Etichetă: retreat

Tantric initiation in Bhuvaneswari, June 18-22, 2024

Transforming Your Life through the Grace of Bhuvaneshwari , The Essence of Knowledge and the Majesty of the Universe

Do you feel a longing for transformation, knowledge, inner peace, and wisdom?

Bhuvaneshwari is here, waiting for you…

The living yantra of Bhuvaneshwari

5-Day Workshop on the Divine Wisdom of Knowledge and Essential Truth.

with Simona Trandafir, Senior Hridaya Yoga teacher

Presented in English in Sanpetru, Brasov, Romania

Enter the sacred realm of Tantra Yoga, which includes spiritual mysteries, Eastern philosophy, traditional practices, insights, and most of all, Love.

Tantra is the magnificent path of intense energy that brings us closer to the Spiritual Heart. It cultivates and honors our sacred creative power through mantras, pranayama, asanas, mudras, concentration techniques, rituals, and meditation. At the same time, Tantra includes devotional wonderment and exaltation towards the Divine Mother, Shakti, and the Divine Absolute, Shiva.

The Supreme Truth is Unique. Consciousness is one and the same everywhere. But, in Tantra, it is perceived and expressed in ten fundamental ways. These are the Dasha Maha Vidyas, the Ten Great Wisdoms. Each of them is a fascinating and gracious guide to the sacredness and peace of the Self.

These Ten Great Wisdoms represent ideal aspects that are awakened, to a certain extent, in everyone. In Tantra, spiritual realization is accompanied by a complete revelation of all ten.

This 5 days workshop offers an authentic initiation in one of the key elements of the fundamental Shakti triangle: Pure Intention (Tripura Sundari), Pure Knowledge (Bhuvaneshwari), and Pure Action (Tripura Bhairavi).

The Dasha Maha Vidya exist in you and you exist through them, and this workshop may help you to become more aware of this truth.

Bhuvaneshwari awakens the thrill of the Infinite. She is the space in which God’s endless love and willingness are manifesting. Embodies the power of openness and infinite expansion, of equanimity in spirit and the profound peace that contains the entire manifest world. Represents the very subtle space of the Heart.. Symbolizes the dynamic power of God, which manifests itself in a multitude of visible and impermanent forms. Manifests The Divine Knowledge by framing the context of the spiritual evolution and creating favorable conditions for its unfolding.

This workshop includes

  • The initiation in one of the Bhuvaneshwari mantra
  • Nada Yoga Meditation—connecting and empowering yourself with the subtle sound of Bhuvaneshwari
  • Hridaya Meditation—reconnecting with the Spiritual Heart
  • An exploration of the secret power of yantra
  • Tantric Cosmogony
  • Teachings about the six realms of manifestation (the realms of the gods, the demons, the hungry ghosts, the inferno, the animals, and humans), which are both inner and outer worlds
  • Practical techniques from the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
  • The ABCs of tantric ritual science
  • Japa (mantra repetition) using a mala (rosary)
  • Hridaya Hatha Yoga sessions

These practices ultimately lead to the stillness of the Heart. This workshop will help you open to Supreme Knowledge, which is also reflected in each level of your being.

“Know yourself and you shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the Universe.”

(Inscription on the Greek temple at Delphi)

Administrative details:

The workshop starts Tuesday, June 18 at 9 am and ends Saturday, June 22 after the final puja (the ritual ceremony) around 6 pm.

It is necessary to participate in all activities (daily between June 18-22 in the specified interval).

We recommend you arrive in our center Monday, 17 June, so you can rest and prepare yourself for the initiation. Also, you can stay one or more days after the workshop, depending on your departure flight.

The retreat is held in Kamala Yoga and Meditation Center, located in Sanpetru, a village about 2 km from Brasov, near the wonderful forests and Carpati mountains.

We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru (from Bucharest or any other airport or train station).

Accommodation and meals can be provided by Kamala Center.

The diet is vegetarian (vegan on request). The accommodation is in single, double or triple rooms.

The total fee, including participation fee, accommodation and 3 meals daily for 6 days (arrival Monday 17 June, departure Sunday 23 June) is between 290-385 euro, depending on accommodation.

Payment must be made in advance. A deposit of 100 euro is due with reservation.

For registration, please contact us:

– by e-mail:

– by phone/ whatsapp/ signal/ telegram +40731324241

May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!

Retragere de meditație, 20-22 octombrie 2023

Cei care doresc să se liniştească, să întrerupă curgerea agitată a vieţii, să se regăsească pe ei înşişi într-o oază de pace şi spiritualitate pot participa la această retragere de meditație în tăcere pentru revelarea Inimii spirituale. Unul din cei mari mari yoghini cunoscuţi, Ramakrishna, recomanda să te retragi pentru a medita 3 luni pe an, sau trei săptămâni sau, dacă nu, măcar trei zile. Nu este necesară experiența anterioară în yoga sau meditație.

Retragerea cuprinde meditații ghidate, îndrumări și recomandări pentru practica spirituală, sedinte de hatha yoga. Vor fi oferite recomandările necesare, metodele şi elementele practice meditative, conferinţe cu diferite teme, printre care:

– Metoda de introspecţie a lui Ramana Maharshi folosind întrebarea “Cine sunt Eu?”;

– Freamătul mistic (spanda), conştiinţa martor, resorbţia sentimentului “Eu” în sursa sa, despre conţinutul şi calitatea minţii, iubirea pură ca expresie a conştiinţei unităţii, tăcerea ca substrat al existenţei.

– Adâncirea în meditaţie, folosind două metode din tradiţia Mahamudra: “prinderea minţii agitate” şi “stabilizarea minţii în starea de linişte”;

– Cele patru etape fundamentale în procesul Revelării Inimii Spirituale;

– Tehnici de liniştire a minţii folosind controlul respiraţiei;

– Principiile fundamentale de transformare spirituală în Advaita Vedanta.

– Metode de a translata de la conştiinţa individuală la Conştiinţa Unitătii Divine.

– Minunarea faţă de frumuseţea Inimii Spirituale.

Programul va începe vineri, 20 octombrie 2023, ora 19, cu noțiuni introductive, întrebări și răspunsuri, urmate de meditație. De sâmbătă dimineaţa până duminică după-amiaza, toți participanţii vor respecta mauna (nu vor vorbi), aşa cum se recomandă în toate tradiţiile contemplative, în isihasm, pentru a crea premisele unei bune interiorizări. Se vor putea adresa întrebări (în scris) profesorilor care ghidează meditația. Retragerea se va termina cu împărtăşirea experienţelor şi discuţii pe baza temelor prezentate, duminică, 22 octombrie 2023, ora 18.

Retragerea este ţinută de profesorii de yoga Simona Trandafir, Liviu Gheorghe, Sebastian Teodor.

Locaţie: Centrul Kamala din Sânpetru, Braşov.

Pentru cei care nu pot participa fizic, retragerea se va putea transmite online (pe platforma zoom, cu ID meeting si parolă).

Cazarea se face în camere de 1, 2 sau 3 locuri, iar mâncarea va fi lacto-vegetariană, nu se vor consuma: carne, alcool, tutun, cafea.

Cei care participă online sunt rugati să respecte și acasă la ei condițiile specifice unei retrageri de meditație (pe cât posibil să păstreze mauna – tăcerea, să limiteze interacțiunile sociale și online, etc), să țină pe întreaga durată a programului camera video deschisă și să participe la toate sesiunile pentru a se putea bucura astfel cât mai mult de ceea ce poate oferi acest program specific.

Program orientativ:

vineri: 18.30 cina, 19-21 .30 prelegeri și tehnici meditative

sâmbătă: 8.30 mic dejun, 9-10.30, 10.30 – 12.00, 12.10 – 13.30 prelegeri și tehnici meditative, 13.30 – 16.00 pauză de pranz, 16.00 – 18.00 prelegere și tehnici meditative, 8.10 – 19.30 hatha yoga, 19.30 – 20.00 pauza de cina, 20.00 – 21.30 prelegere și meditație

duminică: 8.30 mic dejun, 9-10.30, 10.30 – 12.00, 12.10 – 13.30 prelegeri și tehnici meditative, 13.30 – 15.00 pauză de pranz, 15.00 – 16.30, 16.40 – 18.00 prelegere și tehnici meditative, 18.00 împărtășiri și discuții finale


Taxa de participare (fără cazare și masă):

– 250 lei (sau 150 lei/ zi)

– 200 lei (sau 120 lei/ zi) pentru seniori (pensionari)

Pachet complet (taxa de participare, cazare în camere de 2 locuri și masă 2 zile )

– 610 lei

– 500 lei (seniori)

Pachet complet (taxa de participare, cazare single și masă 2 zile )

– 690 lei

– 560 lei (seniori).

Masa include: cina vineri, mic dejun, prânz și cina (sâmbătă), mic dejun și prânz (duminică).

În plus, se poate opta și pentru cina de duminică.

Înscrierile se fac până pe data de 17 octombrie 2023, în limita locurilor disponibile. Pentru rezervarea locului este necesara achitarea unui avans de 200 lei. Situațiile individuale se pot discuta separat. Locurile se ocupă în ordinea achitării avansului!

Programul complet al retragerilor de meditație organizate de centrul Kamala poate fi consultat la acest link:

Informații şi înscrieri:

tel./ whatsapp/ signal/ telegram 0731.32.42.41 (Veronica)


Fie ca freamătul Inimii Spirituale să ne lumineze viața!

Retragere de meditație, 4-6 noiembrie 2022

10-day Hridaya Silent Retreat with Sahajananda, August 2022, on-site and on-line

Kamala Yoga and Meditation Center invites you to register for the 10-Day Hridaya Retreat with Sahajananda, between 10-21 August 2022. The retreat will take place ON-SITE, in Kamala center, near Brasov, Romania, and ONLINE (on Zoom application) for those people who can not travel in August.

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is a unique 10-day immersion experience which uses an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques to access your real and essential nature, known as the Spiritual Heart, the Supreme Self, or atman.

During the retreat, you will explore the Spiritual Heart from a variety of perspectives, including esoteric Christianity, Sufism, and Kashmir Shaivism. In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet and merge into the same ineffable Reality.

During this program you will stay in complete silence and keep a solitary attitude while receiving a set of inspiring teachings and lectures  to provide you with the opportunity to reach the deep states of consciousness that enable the revelation of the Heart. The approach is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Tantra Yoga, and Dzogchen.

You will learn a form of Self-Enquiry meditation inspired by the non-dual teachings of the great sage Ramana Maharshi.

Most importantly, this retreat will help you experience what it means to be centered in the Heart. This means to be aware of that peaceful and eternal core of your being, which cannot be perceived by the rational mind but is the source of all inspiration, love, and beauty.

No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginner and advanced meditators alike.

This retreat is guided in English, with Romanian translation if needed. 


The retreat includes guided meditations, lectures, and practical methods including:

  • The Self-Enquiry method of Ramana Maharshi (using the question “Who am I?”)
  • Techniques for stilling the mind using breath awareness
  • The symbolism of the Spiritual Heart
  • Methods of Self-centering in everyday life
  • How to maintain awareness of the Spiritual Heart, in the tradition of the Fathers and Mothers of the Desert (from Christianity)
  • The Christian “Prayer of the Heart”
  • Advaita Vedanta’s fundamental principles
  • Methods for moving from individual consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness
  • The four fundamental aspects of the process of revealing your True Nature
  • Daily themed meditations related to Self-awareness
  • Poetry
  • Hridaya Hatha Yoga sessions
  • A contemplation of death as a way to transcend desires and the tendencies of the ego
  • An inspiring lecture on the meaning of true love. 

The leader of the retreat

The Revelation of the Spiritual Heart Retreat is led by Claudiu Trandafir (Sahajananda), whose meditation, for years now, has been dedicated to the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart through Divine Love and the opening of the soul. Claudiu, an engineer in electronics by education, was formerly a professor at the University of Parapsychology in Bucharest, Romania. He has been a Yoga teacher for more than 30 years, specializing in solitary cave retreats, following the example of Ramana Maharshi and other Jnana Yoga masters. In 2001, after many solitary retreats, Claudiu began to guide groups of people using this method. He has led this special retreat for thousands of participants across Europe over the last seven years, and has also started to lead Retreat programs in Mexico and Thailand. By popular request, the Retreat program is now available in Canada, Great Britain, Romania, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Thailand, India, etc

We recommend you to read the guidelines and the specific rules of the Silent Hridaya Retreat here and  here

Administrative details:

The schedule of 10 August:

14:00 – registration and orientation

16.00 – hatha yoga session and practical recommendations for the retreat (asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, meditation). We strongly reccomend all to participate to this yoga and meditation session, even if you have participated in other Hridaya retreat, so you can be proper prepared for the beginning of the retreat.

18.00 – dinner

19.00 – In the meditation hall, there will be explained guidelines for participants, some general principles of the retreat and it will be the first lecture and meditation with Sahaja.

All administrative details will be resolved in that evening (10 August), so that when the retreat will begin on 11 August, the following 10 days will be devoted exclusively for meditation and interiorization.

The end of the retreat will be on 20 August,  after the meditation of the afternoon, when the participants will share experiences lived in this period. Next morning, on 21 August, it will be the last meeting for meditation, questions and answers, lunch and the depart of participants.

The program will be about 10 hours per day (approx. 6.5 hours for meditations, 2 hours for lectures and presenting inspiring texts, 1,5 hours Hatha Yoga practice), with breaks for meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and rest.

First meal is the dinner on 10 August, the last meal is the lunch on 21 August. The diet is vegetarian (vegan on request).

The retreat is held in Sanpentru, a town about 2 km from Brasov. The trip from the airport in Bucharest to Brasov takes about three hours, either by train or bus. We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru.

The retreat is held in English.

For retreat fee info, please contact us:

– by e-mail: or

– by phone +40731324241.

Payment must be made in advance. A deposit of 150 euro is due with reservation.

Refunds Policy

If you want to cancel the participation to this retreat:

-till 31th June 2022 the fee will be refunded (less bank transfer fee)

-till 15st July 2022 will be refunded 50 %

-after 15st July 2022  the fee is non refundable.

If a person makes the decision to leave the retreat, he or she does so with the foreknowledge that the fees are forfeited.

The only exception to this scenario is for cases of medical emergency, in which case – following substantiation of a refund request – Kamala Center will return fees for the unattended portion of the retreat (on a per diem basis, according to the rate of fees paid).

Registration is being coordinated by Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre.


email: or

phone: + 40 731 32 42 41 or +40 731 32 42 39

Registration is made in order of request.

More info:

May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!

Tabara-retragere de meditatie in tacere – Sanpetru, Brasov, decembrie 2015

Centrul de Yoga si Meditatie Kamala va organiza in perioada

26 decembrie 2015 – 6 ianuarie 2016


În această iarnă, exista posibilitatea de a realiza o retragere de patru zile (sosire 26 decembrie, retragere 27-30 decembrie, plecare 31 decembrie, adica 5 nopti) sau o retragere de 10 zile (sosire 26 decembrie, retragere 27 decembrie-5 ianuarie, plecare 6 ianuarie, adica 11 nopti). La sfarsitul acestui mesaj sunt oferite informatiile administrative.

Tabăra-retragere Hridaya de meditaţie în tăcere este o experienţă unică de interiorizare care urmăreşte accesul la adevărata şi esenţiala noastră natură (Sinele suprem, numit atman în limba sanscrită), prin intermediul tehnicilor de meditaţie şi yoga. În timpul retragerii, vor fi prezentate aspecte ale Inimii Spirituale din diferite tradiţii cum ar fi advaita vedanta, creştinism ezoteric, sufism, şaivism kasmirian, tantra, dzogchen.

Tabăra-retragere Hridaya de meditaţie în tăcerea fost concepută în mod specific pentru înţelegerea cuprinzătoare şi intimă a ceea ce este meditaţia şi pentru a simţi transformările deosebite pe care ea le aduce. Programul îşi propune să creeze o experienţă asemănătoare unei retrageri în solitudine (cum ar fi într-o peşteră), în scopul de a oferi o oportunitate de a ajunge la stări profunde de conştiinţă, aspiraţie intensă către Divin şi interiorizare extrem de concentrată pentru trezirea şi înflorirea sufletului.

În stadiile avansate de practică, toate căile spirituale autentice se întâlnesc armonios şi se contopesc în aceeaşi Realitate. În timpul Retragerii Hridaya în tăcere, practicanţii vor fi îndrumaţi treptat spre această înţelegere pătrunzătoare. Nu este necesară experienţa anterioară în practica yoga sau a meditaţiei, căci această retragere este concepută atât pentru începători, cât şi pentru practicanţii avansaţi ai meditaţiei.

In cadrul acestei tabere vor fi meditatii, recomandari, metode si elemente practice, meditatii cu directa indrumare, conferinte cu diferite teme, printre care:

– Metoda de introspectie a lui Ramana Maharshi folosind intrebarea “Cine sunt Eu?”;

–  Freamatul mistic (spanda), constiinta martor, rugaciunea inimii, resorbtia sentimentului “Eu” in sursa sa, despre continutul si calitatea mintii, starea naturala in traditia dzongchen, iubirea pura ca expresie a constiintei unitatii, tacerea ca substrat al existentei.

– Adancirea in meditatie, folosind doua metode din traditia Mahamudra: “prinderea mintii agitate” si “stabilizarea mintii in starea de liniste”;

– Cele patru etape fundamentale in procesul Revelarii Inimii Spirituale;

– Sfaturi cu privire la pastrarea continuitatii constientei asupra Inimii spirituale in traditia Parintilor Desertului (din Crestinism).

– O metoda vedantica de a practica si a intelege mai profund rolul pe care il are Hatha yoga in transformarea spirituala. (Programul va include de asemenea sedinte de Hatha Yoga);

– Tehnici de linistire a mintii folosind controlul respiratiei;

– Principiile fundamentale de transformare spirituala in Advaita Vedanta.

– Metode de a translata de la constiinta individuala la Constiinta Unitatii Divine.

Participarea la această tabără de meditatie implica respectarea urmatoarelor reguli: 

 -Pentru a se crea o stare cât mai profundă de interiorizare, linişte mentală şi aspiraţie către Dumnezeu, în această tabără, începând din a doua zi (27 decembrie), se va realiza în permanenţă mauna (respectarea tacerii).

– De asemenea, nu se vor folosi telefoane, calculatoare, casetofoane, radiouri sau orice alte surse de distragere mentală.

– Femeile si barbatii se vor caza separat, se va respecta abstinenta. De asemenea, vor manca in serii separate.

– Mancarea va fi strict lacto-ovo-vegetariana.

– Nu se consuma alcool, carne, cafea si nu se fumeaza.

Nu sunt admisi cei care sufera de boli psihice grave(cum ar fi epilepsia, schizofrenia, paranoia).

Puteţi citi mai multe informaţii despre specificul acestei tabere la acest link de pe site-ul

Conducătorul taberei

Tabara va fi sustinuta de profesorul de yoga Sahajananda (Claudiu Trandafir). Sahajananda este profesor de yoga de peste 25 de ani si are o experienta deosebita in realizarea unor retrageri spirituale in solitudine, in pesteri, dar si in coordonarea grupurilor mari de oameni in programe speciale de meditatii pentru revelarea Sinelui. A condus astfel de retrageri pentru sute de aspiranti, incepand din anul 2001, avand ca fundament spiritualitatea specifica din Advaita Vedanta, in Romania, Thailanda, Canada, Israel, Marea Britanie, Elvetia, Mexic, Germania, Olanda etc.Puteti afla mai multe despre el pe site-ul lui: (in limba engleza).

Informatii administrative

Tabăra va fi ţinută în limba engleză (simplă, de bază), cu traducere în limba română (dacă este cazul).

Intalnirea de deschidere a taberei va avea loc sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2015, ora 19.00. In prima oră a acestei intalniri vor fi explicate regulile taberei, apoi se vor face prima prezentare urmată de meditatie. Prezenta la aceasta prima intalnire este necesară pentru toti participantii, chiar daca au mai fost la alte retrageri Hridaya. Toate detaliile administrative vor fi rezolvate in acea seara, astfel ca atunci cand aceasta tabara va incepe efectiv duminică 27 decembrie 2015, urmatoarele 4 sau 10 zile sa poata fi consacrate exclusiv meditatiei si interiorizarii. Cei care doresc sa participe doar primele 4 zile vor pleca miercuri, 31 decembrie 2015, dimineata. Incheierea perioadei propriu-zise de retragere si meditatie de 10 zile va fi marti 5 ianuarie 2016, dupa meditatia de dupa-amiaza, cand se va face impartasirea experientelor traite in aceasta perioada, iar miercuri 6 ianuarie 2016, dimineata, va mai fi o intalnire pentru intrebari si raspunsuri, prânzul şi plecarea participantilor.

Programul va fi de aproximativ 10 ore pe zi (aprox. 6,5 ore pentru meditatii, 2 ore pentru conferinte si citirea unor texte inspiratoare, 1,5 ore pentru practica Hatha Yoga), cu pauze pentru masă (micul dejun, pranz si cina) și odihnă. Prima masă din cadrul taberei este cina din 26 decembrie 2015, ultima masă este pranzul din 6 ianuarie 2016. Alimentaţia este lacto-ovo-vegetariană.

Persoanele care se înscriu până pe 31 octombrie 2015 beneficiază de o reducere de preţ.

Pentru confirmarea inscrierii si rezervarea locului este necesara plata unui avans de minim 500 lei. Locurile se ocupa in ordinea achitarii avansului.

Dacă, după plata avansului, se renunță la participare, avansul se poate returna astfel:

– dacă se renunță până pe 31 octombrie 2015, se returnează avansul mai puțin 10 lei taxe administrative

– dacă se renunță în perioada 31 octombrie – 1 decembrie 2015, se returnează 50% din avans

– după 1 decembrie 2015 avansul nu se mai returnează.

Toti cei care doresc sa se inscrie trebuie sa ia legatura individual cu noi la telefon sau prin e-mail.

Informatii si inscrieri:

tel. 0268.360.424 sau 0731.32.42.41

sau pe adresele de e-mail: sau

pagini web: sau

Retragere de meditaţie de 3 zile – 8-10 mai 2015, Sânpetru, Braşov

Cei care doresc să se regăsească pe ei înşişi, să se liniştească, să întrerupă curgerea agitată a vieţii într-o oază de pace şi spiritualitate pot participa, chiar dacă nu au mai practicat meditaţia sau yoga. Unul din cei mari mari yoghini cunoscuţi, Ramakrishna, recomanda să te retragi pentru a medita 3 luni pe an, sau trei săptămâni sau, dacă nu, măcar trei zile.

Programul va începe vineri, 8 mai 2015, ora 19.00, cu noțiuni introductive, întrebări și răspunsuri, urmate de meditație. Programul de vineri şi sâmbătă se încheie la ora 21.30. De sâmbătă dimineaţa până la terminarea retragerii, duminică seara, toti participanţii vor respecta mauna (nu vor vorbi), aşa cum se recomandă în toate tradiţiile contemplative, pentru a crea premisele unei bune interiorizări. Programul va cuprinde meditaţii ghidate, meditaţii pentru revelarea Inimii Spirituale (atman), îndrumări și recomandări pentru practica spirituală, sedinţe de hridaya hatha yoga.

Sâmbătă şi duminică programul începe la ora 8.00. Pauza de pranz este între orele 13.00 – 15.00, cina intre orele 19-20.

Retragerea se va termina cu împărtăşirea experienţelor şi discuţii pe baza temelor prezentate, duminică, 10 mai 2015, ora 18.00.

Alte detalii:

Mâncarea va fi ovo-lacto-vegetariană, nu se vor consuma: carne, alcool, tutun, cafea.

Retragerea este ţinută de profesorii de yoga Simona Trandafir, Liviu Gheorghe şi Sebastian Teodor.

Locaţie: Centrul de Meditație și Yoga – Kamala din Sânpetru, Braşov.

Preţ complet (taxă participare, cazare, masă) – 350 lei.

Preţ fără cazare și fără masă – 200 lei (150 lei pentru cei care au abonament Kamala).

Participarea o zi fără masă și fără cazare – 100 lei (75 lei pentru cei care au abonament Kamala).

Locuri limitate! Pentru rezervarea locului este necesară achitarea unui avans de 50%, până miercuri 6 mai 2015.

Informatii si inscrieri:

tel. 0268.360.424 sau 0731.32.42.41

sau pe adresele de e-mail: sau

pagini web: sau

Tabăra-retragere de meditaţie – 14-25 august 2015

Centrul de Yoga si Meditatie Kamala organizează in perioada

14 – 25 august 2015


Tabăra-retragere Hridaya de meditaţie în tăcere este o experienţă unică de interiorizare care urmăreşte accesul la adevărata şi esenţiala noastră natură (Sinele suprem, numit atman în limba sanscrită), prin intermediul tehnicilor de meditaţie şi yoga. În timpul retragerii, vor fi prezentate aspecte ale Inimii Spirituale din diferite tradiţii cum ar fi advaita vedanta, creştinism ezoteric, sufism, şaivism kaşmirian, tantra, dzogchen.

Tabăra-retragere Hridaya de meditaţie în tăcere a fost concepută în mod specific pentru înţelegerea cuprinzătoare şi intimă a ceea ce este meditaţia şi pentru a simţi transformările deosebite pe care ea le aduce. Programul îşi propune să creeze o experienţă asemănătoare unei retrageri în solitudine (cum ar fi într-o peşteră), în scopul de a oferi o oportunitate de a ajunge la stări profunde de conştiinţă, aspiraţie intensă către Divin şi interiorizare extrem de concentrată pentru trezirea şi înflorirea sufletului.

În stadiile avansate de practică, toate căile spirituale autentice se întâlnesc armonios şi se contopesc în aceeaşi Realitate. În timpul Retragerii Hridaya în tăcere, practicanţii vor fi îndrumaţi treptat spre această înţelegere pătrunzătoare. Nu este necesară experienţa anterioară în practica yoga sau a meditaţiei, căci această retragere este concepută atât pentru începători, cât şi pentru practicanţii avansaţi ai meditaţiei.

In cadrul acestei tabere vor fi meditatii, recomandari, metode si elemente practice, meditatii cu directa indrumare, conferinte cu diferite teme, printre care:

– Metoda de introspectie a lui Ramana Maharshi folosind intrebarea “Cine sunt Eu?”;

–  Freamatul mistic (spanda), constiinta martor, rugaciunea inimii, resorbtia sentimentului “Eu” in sursa sa, despre continutul si calitatea mintii, starea naturala in traditia dzongchen, iubirea pura ca expresie a constiintei unitatii, tacerea ca substrat al existentei.

– Adancirea in meditatie, folosind doua metode din traditia Mahamudra: “prinderea mintii agitate” si “stabilizarea mintii in starea de liniste”;

– Cele patru etape fundamentale in procesul Revelarii Inimii Spirituale;

– Sfaturi cu privire la pastrarea continuitatii constientei asupra Inimii spirituale in traditia Parintilor Desertului (din Crestinism).

– O metoda vedantica de a practica si a intelege mai profund rolul pe care il are Hatha yoga in transformarea spirituala. (Programul va include de asemenea sedinte de Hatha Yoga);

– Tehnici de linistire a mintii folosind controlul respiratiei;

– Principiile fundamentale de transformare spirituala in Advaita Vedanta.

– Metode de a translata de la constiinta individuala la Constiinta Unitatii Divine.

Participarea la această tabără de meditatie implica respectarea urmatoarelor reguli: 

 -Pentru a se crea o stare cât mai profundă de interiorizare, linişte mentală şi aspiraţie către Dumnezeu, în această tabără, începând din a doua zi, se va realiza în permanenţă mauna (respectarea tacerii).

– De asemenea, nu se vor folosi telefoane, calculatoare, casetofoane, radiouri sau orice alte surse de distragere mentală.

– Femeile si barbatii se vor caza separat, se va respecta abstinenta. De asemenea, vor manca in serii separate.

– Mancarea va fi strict lacto-ovo-vegetariana.

– Nu se consuma alcool, carne, cafea si nu se fumeaza.

Nu sunt admisi cei care sufera de boli psihice grave(cum ar fi epilepsia, schizofrenia, paranoia).

Puteţi citi mai multe informaţii despre specificul acestei tabere la acest link de pe site-ul

Conducătorul taberei

Tabara va fi sustinuta de profesorul de yoga Sahajananda (Claudiu Trandafir). Sahajananda este profesor de yoga de peste 25 de ani si are o experienta deosebita in realizarea unor retrageri spirituale in solitudine, in pesteri, dar si in coordonarea grupurilor mari de oameni in programe speciale de meditatii pentru revelarea Sinelui. A condus astfel de retrageri pentru sute de aspiranti, incepand din anul 2001, avand ca fundament spiritualitatea specifica din Advaita Vedanta, in Romania, Thailanda, Canada, Israel, Marea Britanie, Elvetia, Mexic, Germania, Olanda etc.Puteti afla mai multe despre el pe site-ul lui: (in limba engleza).

Informatii administrative

În această vară, exista posibilitatea de a realiza o retragere de cinci zile (sosire 14 august, retragere 15 – 19 august,  plecare 20 august, adica 6 nopti) sau o retragere de 10 zile (sosire 14 august, retragere 15 – 24 august, plecare 25 august, adica 11 nopti).

Intalnirea de deschidere a taberei va avea loc vineri, 14 august 2015, ora 19.00. In prima parte a acestei intalniri vor fi explicate regulile taberei, apoi se vor face prima prezentare urmată de meditatie. Prezenta la aceasta prima intalnire este necesară pentru toti participantii, chiar daca au mai fost la alte retrageri Hridaya. Toate detaliile administrative vor fi rezolvate in acea seara, astfel ca atunci cand aceasta tabara va incepe efectiv sambata 15 august 2015, urmatoarele 5 sau 10 zile sa poata fi consacrate exclusiv meditatiei si interiorizarii. Cei care doresc sa participe doar primele 5 zile vor pleca joi, 20 august. Incheierea perioadei propriu-zise de retragere si meditatie de 10 zile va fi luni 24 august 2015, dupa meditatia de dupa-amiaza, cand se va face impartasirea experientelor traite in aceasta perioada, iar marti 25 august dimineata va mai fi o intalnire pentru intrebari si raspunsuri, prânzul şi plecarea participantilor.

Programul va fi de aproximativ 10 ore pe zi (aprox. 6,5 ore pentru meditatii, 2 ore pentru conferinte si prezentarea unor texte inspiratoare, 1,5 ore pentru practica Hatha Yoga), cu pauze pentru masă (micul dejun, pranz si cina) și odihnă. Prima masă din cadrul taberei este cina din 14 august 2015, ultima masă este pranzul din 25 august 2015 (respectiv 20 august pentru varianta scurtă). Alimentaţia este lacto-ovo-vegetariană.

Preţul complet al pachetului (taxa administrativă, cazare şi masă) variază între 300 euro şi 355 euro (în funcţie de varianta de cazare).
Pentru varianta scurtă (5 zile retragere, 6 zile cazare si masa) pachetul variaza intre 210 euro şi 240 euro.

Persoanele care se înscriu până pe 1 iunie 2015 beneficiază de o reducere de pret, adica vor achita intre 275 euro şi 330 euro (in functie de varianta de cazare), respectiv între  185 euro şi 215 euro pentru varianta scurtă. După 1 iunie 2015, se achita pretul integral mentionat mai sus.

Pentru confirmarea inscrierii si rezervarea locului este necesara plata unui avans de minim 100 euro. Locurile se ocupa in ordinea achitarii avansului.

Dacă, după plata avansului, se renunță la participare, avansul se poate returna astfel:

– dacă se renunță până pe 1 iunie 2015, se returnează avansul mai puțin 5 euro taxe administrative

– dacă se renunță în perioada 1 iunie – 31 iulie 2015, se returnează 50% din avans

– după 31 iulie 2015 avansul nu se mai returnează.

Toti cei care doresc sa se inscrie trebuie sa ia legatura individual cu noi la telefon sau prin e-mail.

Informatii si inscrieri:

tel. 0268.360.424 sau 0731.32.42.41

sau pe adresele de e-mail: sau

pagini web: sau

Fie ca freamătul sacru al Inimii Spirituale să ne lumineze viaţa!

10-days Silent Hridaya Retreat

Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre organizes:

10 days Hridaya Retreat – A Silent Meditation Retreat for the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart, with Sahajananda

14th – 25th August 2015, Sanpetru (near Brasov), Romania

(For beginners there is the option to participate for the first 5 days of the Retreat.)

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is a unique immersion experience which focuses on accessing our real and essential nature, the supreme and divine Self, atman, through an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques. During the retreat, we address broad aspects of the Spiritual Heart, from a variety of traditions including esoteric Christian, Sufi, and Kashmir Shaivism. The atmosphere will be one of agape and strong spiritual support.

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat was created specifically to comprehensively and intimately understand what meditation is and to feel the amazing inner transformations which it brings.

The program aims to create an experience resembling a solitary retreat (such as in a cave) in order to provide an opportunity to reach deep states of consciousness, intense aspiration for the Divine, and highly focused interiorization for the awakening and blossoming of the soul, jivatman. This method is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Sufism, Tantra, and Dzogchen.
In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet harmoniously and merge into the same ineffable Reality. During the Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat, practitioners will be skillfully guided to this penetrating understanding where the search for meaning ends in surrender to the domain of revelation. No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginner and advanced meditators alike.

We recommend you to read the guidelines and the rules of the Silent Hridaya Retreat here and  here

The leader of the retreat

The Revelation of the Spiritual Heart Retreat is led by Claudiu Trandafir (Sahajananda), whose meditation, for years now, has been dedicated to the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart through Divine Love and the opening of the soul. Claudiu, an engineer in electronics by education, was formerly a professor at the University of Parapsychology in Bucharest, Romania. He has been a Yoga teacher for 25 years, specializing in solitary cave retreats, following the example of Ramana Maharshi and other Jnana Yoga masters. In 2001, after many solitary retreats, Claudiu began to guide groups of people using this method. He has led this special retreat for thousands of participants across Europe over the last seven years, and has also started to lead Retreat programs in Mexico and Thailand. By popular request, the Retreat program is now available in Canada, Great Britain, Romania, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Thailand and India.

Administrative details:

The opening meeting of the retreat will be held Friday 14th August 2015 at 19:00. During this meeting will be explained guidelines for participants, some general principles of the retreat and it will be the first meditation. All administrative details will be resolved in the evening, so that when the retreat itself will begin Saturday 15th August, the following 5 or 10 days will be devoted exclusively for meditation and interiorization. Those who want to participate only the first 5 days will leave on 20th August. For the others, the end of the retreat will be Monday, 24th August 2015, after the meditation of the afternoon, when they will share experiences lived in this period. Tuesday morning, on 25th August 2015, it will be the last meeting for meditation, questions and answers, lunch and the depart of participants. The tour of Brasov and some short trips around will be offered to those who choose to stay one or more days after retreat.

The retreat is held in Sanpentru, a town about 2 km from Brasov. The trip from the airport in Bucharest to Brasov takes about three hours, either by train or bus. We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru.

The retreat is held in English (with Romanian translation, if neccessary).

The total fee for retreat (accommodation, meals and coordination fee, for 11 days and nights) is between 355 euro (2-4 beds in room with bathroom) and 300 euro (in your own tent).

There are three vegetarian meals daily (breakfast, lunch and dinner). The first meal is the dinner on 14th August, the last meal of the retreat is the lunch on 25th August.

For early registration (till 1st June 2015) , the fee will be between 330 euro and 275 euro.

Payment must be made in advance. A deposit of 150 euro is due with reservation.

Refunds Policy

If you want to cancel the participation in retreat:

-till 1st June 2015 the deposit fee will be refunded (less bank transfer fee)

-till 1st August 2015, it will be refunded 50 % from the deposit fee

-after 1st August 2015 the deposit fee is non refundable.

If a person makes the decision to leave the retreat, he or she does so with the foreknowledge that the fees are forfeited.

The only exception to this scenario is for cases of medical emergency, in which case – following substantiation of a refund request – Kamala Center will return fees for the unattended portion of the retreat (on a per diem basis, according to the rate of fees paid).

Registration is being coordinated by Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre.


email: or

phone: + 40 731 324 241 or + 40 268 360 424

to make your reservation; registration is made in order of request.

More info: or

May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!

Tabăra-retragere de meditaţie – 26 dec 2014 – 6 ian 2015

Centrul de Yoga si Meditatie Kamala organizează in perioada

26 decembrie 2014 – 6 ianuarie 2015


În această iarnă, exista posibilitatea de a realiza o retragere de patru zile (sosire 26 decembrie, retragere 27-30 decembrie, plecare 31 decembrie, adica 5 nopti) sau o retragere de 10 zile (sosire 26 decembrie, retragere 27 decembrie-5 ianuarie, plecare 6 ianuarie, adica 11 nopti). La sfarsitul acestui mesaj sunt oferite informatiile administrative.

Tabăra-retragere Hridaya de meditaţie în tăcere este o experienţă unică de interiorizare care urmăreşte accesul la adevărata şi esenţiala noastră natură (Sinele suprem, numit atman în limba sanscrită), prin intermediul tehnicilor de meditaţie şi yoga. În timpul retragerii, vor fi prezentate aspecte ale Inimii Spirituale din diferite tradiţii cum ar fi advaita vedanta, creştinism ezoteric, sufism, şaivism kaşmirian, tantra, dzogchen.

Tabăra-retragere Hridaya de meditaţie în tăcere a fost concepută în mod specific pentru înţelegerea cuprinzătoare şi intimă a ceea ce este meditaţia şi pentru a simţi transformările deosebite pe care ea le aduce. Programul îşi propune să creeze o experienţă asemănătoare unei retrageri în solitudine (cum ar fi într-o peşteră), în scopul de a oferi o oportunitate de a ajunge la stări profunde de conştiinţă, aspiraţie intensă către Divin şi interiorizare extrem de concentrată pentru trezirea şi înflorirea sufletului.

În stadiile avansate de practică, toate căile spirituale autentice se întâlnesc armonios şi se contopesc în aceeaşi Realitate. În timpul Retragerii Hridaya în tăcere, practicanţii vor fi îndrumaţi treptat spre această înţelegere pătrunzătoare. Nu este necesară experienţa anterioară în practica yoga sau a meditaţiei, căci această retragere este concepută atât pentru începători, cât şi pentru practicanţii avansaţi ai meditaţiei.

In cadrul acestei tabere vor fi meditatii, recomandari, metode si elemente practice, meditatii cu directa indrumare, conferinte cu diferite teme, printre care:

– Metoda de introspectie a lui Ramana Maharshi folosind intrebarea “Cine sunt Eu?”;

–  Freamatul mistic (spanda), constiinta martor, rugaciunea inimii, resorbtia sentimentului “Eu” in sursa sa, despre continutul si calitatea mintii, starea naturala in traditia dzongchen, iubirea pura ca expresie a constiintei unitatii, tacerea ca substrat al existentei.

– Adancirea in meditatie, folosind doua metode din traditia Mahamudra: “prinderea mintii agitate” si “stabilizarea mintii in starea de liniste”;

– Cele patru etape fundamentale in procesul Revelarii Inimii Spirituale;

– Sfaturi cu privire la pastrarea continuitatii constientei asupra Inimii spirituale in traditia Parintilor Desertului (din Crestinism).

– O metoda vedantica de a practica si a intelege mai profund rolul pe care il are Hatha yoga in transformarea spirituala. (Programul va include de asemenea sedinte de Hatha Yoga);

– Tehnici de linistire a mintii folosind controlul respiratiei;

– Principiile fundamentale de transformare spirituala in Advaita Vedanta.

– Metode de a translata de la constiinta individuala la Constiinta Unitatii Divine.

Participarea la această tabără de meditatie implica respectarea urmatoarelor reguli: 

 -Pentru a se crea o stare cât mai profundă de interiorizare, linişte mentală şi aspiraţie către Dumnezeu, în această tabără, începând din a doua zi, se va realiza în permanenţă mauna (respectarea tacerii).

– De asemenea, nu se vor folosi telefoane, calculatoare, casetofoane, radiouri sau orice alte surse de distragere mentală.

– Femeile si barbatii se vor caza separat, se va respecta abstinenta. De asemenea, vor manca in serii separate.

– Mancarea va fi strict lacto-ovo-vegetariana.

– Nu se consuma alcool, carne, cafea si nu se fumeaza.

Nu sunt admisi cei care sufera de boli psihice grave(cum ar fi epilepsia, schizofrenia, paranoia).

Puteţi citi mai multe informaţii despre specificul acestei tabere la acest link de pe site-ul

Conducătorul taberei

Tabara va fi sustinuta de profesorul de yoga Sahajananda (Claudiu Trandafir). Sahajananda este profesor de yoga de peste 25 de ani si are o experienta deosebita in realizarea unor retrageri spirituale in solitudine, in pesteri, dar si in coordonarea grupurilor mari de oameni in programe speciale de meditatii pentru revelarea Sinelui. A condus astfel de retrageri pentru sute de aspiranti, incepand din anul 2001, avand ca fundament spiritualitatea specifica din Advaita Vedanta, in Romania, Thailanda, Canada, Israel, Marea Britanie, Elvetia, Mexic, Germania, Olanda etc.Puteti afla mai multe despre el pe site-ul lui: (in limba engleza).

Informatii administrative

Intalnirea de deschidere a taberei va avea loc vineri, 26 decembrie 2014, ora 19.00. In prima oră a acestei intalniri vor fi explicate regulile taberei, apoi se vor face prima prezentare urmată de meditatie. Prezenta la aceasta prima intalnire este necesară pentru toti participantii, chiar daca au mai fost la alte retrageri Hridaya. Toate detaliile administrative vor fi rezolvate in acea seara, astfel ca atunci cand aceasta tabara va incepe efectiv sambata 27 decembrie, urmatoarele 4 sau 10 zile sa poata fi consacrate exclusiv meditatiei si interiorizarii. Cei care doresc sa participe doar primele 4 zile vor pleca miercuri, 31 decembrie, dimineata. Incheierea perioadei propriu-zise de retragere si meditatie de 10 zile va fi luni 5 ianuarie 2015, dupa meditatia de dupa-amiaza, cand se va face impartasirea experientelor traite in aceasta perioada, iar luni 6 ianuarie dimineata va mai fi o intalnire pentru intrebari si raspunsuri, prânzul şi plecarea participantilor.

Programul va fi de aproximativ 10 ore pe zi (aprox. 6,5 ore pentru meditatii, 2 ore pentru conferinte si prezentarea unor texte inspiratoare, 1,5 ore pentru practica Hatha Yoga), cu pauze pentru masă (micul dejun, pranz si cina) și odihnă. Prima masă din cadrul taberei este cina din 26 decembrie 2014, ultima masă este pranzul din 6 ianuarie 2015. Alimentaţia este lacto-ovo-vegetariană.

Preţul complet al pachetului (taxa administrativă, cazare şi masă) variază între 1280 lei şi 1390 lei (în funcţie de varianta de cazare).
Pentru varianta scurtă (4 zile retragere, 5 nopti cazare si masa) pachetul variaza intre 800 şi 850 lei.

Persoanele care se înscriu până pe 31 octombrie 2014 beneficiază de o reducere de pret, adica vor achita intre 1180 lei și 1290 lei (in functie de varianta de cazare), respectiv între 700 şi 750 lei pentru varianta scurtă. După 31 octombrie 2014, se achita pretul integral mentionat mai sus.

Pentru confirmarea inscrierii si rezervarea locului este necesara plata unui avans de minim 500 lei. Locurile se ocupa in ordinea achitarii avansului.

Dacă, după plata avansului, se renunță la participare, avansul se poate returna astfel:

– dacă se renunță până pe 31 octombrie 2014, se returnează avansul mai puțin 10 lei taxe administrative

– dacă se renunță în perioada 31 octombrie – 1 decembrie 2014, se returnează 50% din avans

– după 1 decembrie 2014 avansul nu se mai returnează.

Toti cei care doresc sa se inscrie trebuie sa ia legatura individual cu noi la telefon sau prin e-mail.

Informatii si inscrieri:

tel. 0268.360.424 sau 0731.32.42.41

sau pe adresele de e-mail: sau

pagini web: sau

Fie ca freamătul sacru al Inimii Spirituale să ne lumineze viaţa!

Hridaya Retreat – Introduction

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is a unique immersion experience which focuses on accessing our real and essential nature, the supreme and divine Self, atman, through an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques. During the retreat, we address broad aspects of the Spiritual Heart, from a variety of traditions including esoteric Christian, Sufi, and Kashmir Shaivism. The atmosphere will be one of agape and strong spiritual support.

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat was created specifically to comprehensively and intimately understand what meditation is and to feel the amazing inner transformations which it brings.

The program aims to create an experience resembling a solitary retreat (such as in a cave) in order to provide an opportunity to reach deep states of consciousness, intense aspiration for the Divine, and highly focused interiorization for the awakening and blossoming of the soul, jivatman. This method is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Sufism, Tantra, and Dzogchen.
In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet harmoniously and merge into the same ineffable Reality. During the Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat, practitioners will be skillfully guided to this penetrating understanding where the search for meaning ends in surrender to the domain of revelation. No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginner and advanced meditators alike.

Cultivated Attitudes

This method is crafted to cultivate the following attitudes: 

1. An inner awareness of all sensory perceptions and emotions which will gradually become, through sublimation, an awareness of the Spiritual Heart;

2. The calming down of the mind (a state of peace of mind);

3. The polarization between the individual soul, jivatman, and the divine Self, atman, that is experienced as a state of very strong and profound aspiration and longing for God;

4. The evocation of death of the physical body as a way of transcending desires and egotistical tendencies;

5.The act of powerfully evoking and experiencing the mystery of God’s presence inside our Spiritual Heart.

 Methods, Techniques and Teachings

This retreat includes advice for guided meditation, lectures, and practical methods such as:

  • Ramana Maharshi’s method of introspection (Self-enquiry, atma vicara,using the question “Who Am I?”)
  • Techniques of stilling the mind using breath awareness
  • Study of the symbolism of the Spiritual Heart
  • Methods of Self-centering in everyday life
  • Advice for maintaining awareness of the Spiritual Heart, in the tradition of the Fathers of the Desert (from Christianity )
  • The Christian method of the Prayer of the Heart
  • A proper understanding of Advaita Vedanta’s fundamental principles
  • Methods of passing from individual consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness
  • The four fundamental aspects of the ineffable process of Revealing the Spiritual Heart
  • Daily special meditations on themes connected with Self-Revelation
  • Yogic methods that approach the issue of the Spiritual Heart
  • Poetry
  • Hatha Yoga sessions

 What are the purposes of this Retreat?

During the retreat, our aim is to inform you about methods for meditation encompassing, but not limited to, the unity of consciousness and Advaita Vedanta, thus leading to self-discovery of the Spiritual Heart. The system of meditation will focus on the methods developed by Ramana Maharshi, that of atma vicara, or more popularly known as the inquiry “Who Am I?”, as well as other complementary meditations and prayers.

 We aim to inform you about the practical and theoretical aspects of this methodology, allowing ample opportunities to directly put it into practice. In doing so, we hope that you will understand the underlying principles and value the purpose of meditation, thus reaping immediate benefits, and coming to love meditation as an essential part of your life.

You will learn some direct methods to pacify your mind and even to transcend it. When your mind is truly still and without any thoughts, and you transcend your ego, and you arrive at a place where you have no name, no social status, no relationships, no past, no future, no country, no spiritual attainment, and no lack of spiritual attainment. It is simply a presence of being. If a movement or a thought appears in this stillness, it is enveloped into the stillness, thus becoming stillness itself. It is as if your life becomes full and saturated with this peace and sacredness.

  1. You will also learn a way which comprises a vision, a spiritual understanding and a method of transforming yourselves. We hope most of you will learn to love meditation as a means for discovering Divine Reality, otherwise referred to as God, although these methods are beyond any specific ideas of religion or any theoretical concepts about God.
  2. We hope most of you will have some peak experiences about Supreme Reality, some special states of consciousness about cosmic love, eternity or the unity of everything, which can be evoked afterwards in daily life. This will help you in your quest to understand the reason for your existence.
  3. Our aim is for you to realize the importance of fully incorporating the Spiritual Heart in your life, beyond concepts, theory and philosophy. The path to the Spiritual Heart journeys through your soul, and therefore, an opening and intimacy of the soul will naturally occur from this. During this retreat, we will have the chance to venture deeper than the emotional psychic level of the Heart, into the Divine Reality which represents the most profound aspect of the Spiritual Heart. Ultimately, you will be compelled to love at a level which your ego usually prevents you from accessing through blockages such as attachments, ignorance, and other negative emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. To access this level of universal love, the obstacles challenging your personality and your ego must be transcended through accessing the Spiritual Heart.
  4. Our ultimate goal is for you to gain a profound understanding about the real nature of your existence and the nature of manifestation of Life and the Universe. More specifically, you will eventually achieve a coherent vision of Divine Unity, Advaita, and nonduality, which is the main revolutionary power, the main transforming idea of Jnana Yoga, and Advaita Vedanta, Taoism, Dzogchen, and Zen.

 Purification Effects from the Retreat

When we venture deeper than the surface of our egos into the realm of the Spiritual Heart, it is common that some purification on the physical, mental, or emotional level can occur. This is merely our bodies’ way of releasing old blockages, traumas, and negative emotions in order to access the deeper levels of the soul. Do not be afraid. Do not avoid the purification. However, don’t dramatize; don’t accord them too much importance. When those transformations eventually synthesize, meditation ceases to be boring, painful, or just a passing experience, and truly becomes a deep, joyful, and blissful experience. Depending on the individual’s level of practice and awareness, these transformations can be immediate or can take a longer time to process. However, change is inevitable and this transformation can be very stable and profound and can transform your life dramatically.


So, what expectations do we need to have from the Retreat? None! Because of the ineffability of what we really are, of what Divine Reality is, this change is a natural progression that comes from stillness, surrender, and, ultimately, from within our true selves.

The aim is to create the best conditions in which the Divine Reality will be revealed in our Heart. From doing this, we will experience some profound effects from these meditations. Many make the mistake of becoming attached to these effects and realizations.

However, do not cling to them. In the openness of our being, much more than this is happening, and we will learn to accept, surrender and be open to the ebb and flow of these realizations.

The Spiritual Heart, Our Real Home

Ultimately, the most important outcome of this retreat is for us to start becoming accustomed to centering in the Spiritual Heart. This means to get used and be aware of that quiet, peaceful, infinite, and eternal foundation of our being which cannot be perceived by the rational mind, but is the source of all inspiration, love, beauty, and spiritual life. Many sages have said that Spiritual Heart is our real home. So abandon yourselves, trust and enjoy this centering. The Spiritual Heart is your axis, your hub.

During this retreat, be at home, be present and integrate this practice fully for an intimate, meaningful experience.

The Spiritual Heart is the “meeting place” for those who wish to relate to life in a sacred manner.

To support the retreat, complete mauna (silence) must be maintained by all attendees. An atmosphere full of love and aspiration will be created in which participants can surrender to their real and essential nature.

We wish to advise you to be patient and open. If you decide to join this retreat we strongly advise you to make a commitment to yourself that you will stay for the entire 10 days and not leave until the retreat is over (with exception for genuine emergencies). With such a commitment and patience, even beginners will find the strength to overcome minor difficulties and obtain great benefits from the retreat. A retreat can help you understand the mind and life. This is a very valuable and rare opportunity for you, a special gift to yourself….

For some participants, the first several days can be full of restlessness, muscular fever and aches, physical and mental purification, or various spiritual tests. We invite you to commit yourself fully to this retreat, to stay fi rm and double your resolve in the face of such challenges. Try to make this event a very special opportunity for your spiritual transformation.

We are delighted that you can join us and we welcome you to this exceptional retreat!

Read also: The Retreat guidelines

Hridaya Retreat Guidelines

In order to create the preliminary conditions that facilitate our access to deep inner states, mental peace, and aspiration toward the Divine, it is necessary that certain rules be strictly followed for the duration of the retreat. These rules aim to create certain conditions that would resemble those a yogi experiences in solitude, for instance in a cave retreat. The retreat atmosphere has been evaluated carefully as to how it can best support the attendees’ spiritual efforts. The rules are part of this support. All hopeful participants must agree to abide by these guidelines and the consequences of noncompliance.

1. Voluntary Restraint

A meditation retreat is an extraordinary situation (although meditation is actually perfectly normal). A large group of people must live together in very simple conditions, while relating to each other in a completely new way. Here, we relate through the common experience of meditation, with all its pains and joys, discoveries and frustrations. For 10  days, our lifestyle is built around a common purpose rather than more selfish purposes promoted by the world today.
To accomplish this in harmony, we must agree on certain conventions. The most important are mindful silence, giving way to others, sticking to the schedule, and following instructions. This retreat is arranged as a serious opportunity for serious aspirants who wish for a very special and exclusive retreat experience. Please approach these guidelines with this frame of mind, with an openness toward protecting and supporting this atmosphere through your own agreement and cooperation. If you at first glance feel that the guidelines are too strict or too difficult for you, first consider your own state of readiness to participate. If you do indeed feel ready, then inspire yourself with the understanding that this retreat lasts just a few days in the big picture of life!

2. Mauna (silence)

Mauna is compulsory. The period of mauna will begin on the first morning, with the consecration of the retreat, and will end after the last meditation on the last day of the retreat. Absolutely no talking by participants will be allowed. For any real necessities, please inform the Retreat Coordinator in writing of administrative problems.

Much energy and ego goes into our speech. We say things that don’t need to be said, are silly, gossipy, or even harmful. This not only makes the world noisy, it makes our own mind noisy. If there is nobody to talk to we just chatter away to ourselves. In meditation, this can be an annoying hindrance. So we keep silent by not speaking or passing notes to each other during the retreat, in order to quiet our mind and maintain a quiet, peaceful environment for everyone. This can be difficult at times, but most people find it a powerful and wonderful experience. Many people travel from far away to Kamala Center because they cherish this silence, so we respect each other by maintaining the silence with mindfulness and wisdom. Even training ourselves to walk, move, and do things quietly leads to a calm and graceful experience.
It is also important not to judge or project opinions onto others. Developing self-discipline and a compassionate understanding for all things is part of the training.

3. No Use of Any Electronics or Media

Retreat participants are asked not to use CD players, MP3 players, radios, TVs, DVD players, the Internet, or computers for the duration of the retreat. Thus, there is to be no listening to the news or music, doing email, watching movies, etc.

4. Mobile Phones

No use of mobile phones is allowed during the retreat. They should ideally be left at home and off for the retreat’s duration. Participants should make a firm commitment not to use the phone for conversations, SMS messages, etc., for the duration of the retreat.

5. Reading

Reading is not allowed, not even of books of a spiritual nature. Please agree not to read during this retreat. Through the retreat practice, we aim to focus inward as much as possible, and reading can lead us away from strong interiorization, diffusing our efforts and experience in the process.

Keeping silent includes putting away books you’ve brought along or keeping them closed throughout the retreat. You will get plenty of information while you are on the retreat. Reading will be a distraction, possibly confusing you, possibly taking you away from the purpose of this retreat. You will have all the time you want to read when you leave. We also request that you stop writing, except for notes taken during talks and impressions of meditative experiences that you may record in your retreat journal. Letter writing and creative writing will take the mind away from our purpose here.

6. Sexual Abstinence

Sexual abstinence is mandatory. This really means celibacy and not Tantric continence! This point is obviously non-enforceable (we cannot check you, of course), but is insisted upon to reinforce the atmosphere resembling solitude that we are attempting to create for participants.

If you wish to join the retreat, please agree to abide by this requirement for the duration of the retreat.

7. Fasting

Fasting is not recommended for the entire duration of the retreat (although your own tapas of a weekly fasting day is OK), in order to maintain a high level of vitality and energy for meditation.

8. An Attitude of Solitude

It is recommended that you aim to cultivate a state of experience resembling solitude by agreeing not to: look at others, touch, hug, kiss, say hello (even nonverbally), smile at each other, etc. This can at times feel alienating and lonely for people who are very sociable and miss such simple human contact, but it will drastically help your experience of interiorization. In addition, the opening of the soul will offer you the opportunity to communicate in a much subtler way, through the language of Love. Your friends will still love you at the end of the retreat, maybe even more ….

9. Gender Segregation

Gender segregation – by which the men and women have different designated areas in the hall – is meant to keep sensory distraction to a minimum for participants during the retreat. The men’s side is the right side of the hall, the women’s side is the left side of the hall.

Kamala Center facilitates this point with separate retreat areas and segregated dining areas during any arranged mealtimes.

10. Dress

Participants should try to avoid attention to their own vanity and the desire to attract the opposite sex. We ask that women not wear makeup or perfume and dress discreetly and simply, and that men not display too much nudity. Please wear modest attire that is not too revealing.

The dress recommendation is not meant to stifle your creativity, free expression, etc. It is meant to form part of the atmosphere of consideration and mutual support we aim to cultivate during retreats. People could take the view that it is someone’s own personal problem if he or she is distracted from meditation by glances at members of the opposite sex, etc. However, this does not include an opportunity for a contribution of personal responsibility to this atmosphere through innocuous and simple behaviors we can all follow to help our fellow retreat attendees.

By illustration, when a Buddhist monk ordains, he takes a resolve not to have physical contact with women, including hugs with his own mother. He does not forsake his mother; he in fact loves his mother very much, but gives up hugging her in order to support the lay people’s faith in the monastic life. A lay person who saw a monk hugging a woman (even his mother) may lose some faith in his path. This is behavior undertaken for appearances to support the strength of the tradition. In another metaphor, visitors to monasteries are also asked to dress modestly to support the monks’ practice. Surely, there is no one who would knowingly like to mentally tempt a monk away from his vows and practice. In the same way, let us consider our retreat colleagues as serious aspiring meditators who can use our help and support to focus well during the retreat.

11. Photographs

Please limit your looking at photographs to those of spiritual masters and gurus only. Do not gaze upon photos of your friends, family, etc. in order to help yourself concentrate on transcendental states rather than worldly thoughts.

12. Cigarettes

It is not allowed to smoke during this retreat. Please commit to not smoking for the duration of these 10 days if you intend to join.

13. Meditation Notebook

It is recommended that participants record their meditative and daily experiences in a notebook. This retreat journal can help you not only to push through any challenging moments, but can serve to inspire you and provide a point of reference for your growth during the retreat period. A meditation notebook helps us to objectify our experiences and what we understand during meditation. It can bring inspiration to us even after the retreat. Reading it afterward can be a powerful support in daily life.

14. Following the Schedule

The schedule we follow is very moderate compared to some meditation retreats which start the day before dawn. The day includes approximately 6-6.5 hours of meditation, 1.5-2 hours of Hatha Yoga practice, and 2-2.5 hours of inspiring spiritual talks or Q&A.

Please agree to join all sessions and activities of the retreat if you will sign up for it.

15. Being Late

Everyone must be on time for all spiritual activities, as lateness is very disruptive and latecomers will not be allowed to join until the next session. Please plan accordingly. If you find yourself late for a meditation session, please do not sneak into the hall in the hopes that you will not be noticed or will not disturb others. Instead, please be considerate and wait without any undue noise, meditating outside the hall during the session and entering only during the next break.

16. Retreat Monitors

The Hridaya Retreat includes retreat monitors just like Zen monasteries do in order to discourage violations of the rules, motivate diligence and attention during the meditation sessions, and to help retreat participants feel supported.
Participants who are nodding/sleeping, positioned improperly, talking, entering late, using mobile phones, disregarding segregated areas, moving about, or being generally disruptive will be noted by the monitors on the session report and the retreat leader will be alerted. Monitors may make suggestions to participants for better practice or may remind attendees of various rules and guidelines. However, it is the retreat leader who will give warnings if they are or become necessary.

17. Warnings and Expulsion from the Retreat

Please be advised that certain actions constitute grounds for expulsion from the retreat. The following actions will constitute grounds for a warning:
– Absence from a retreat session
– Being late to a retreat session
– Falling asleep during meditations
– Disregarding segregated areas for men and women
– Talking, making other sounds, or being generally disruptive
– Listening to music, news, sending SMS messages, or talking on the phone
– Disregard for any other of the above mentioned rules.

We would like to re-emphasize that the retreat guidelines must be followed, for the benefit of all participants. Consider carefully before joining whether you truly accept the parameters of the retreat and its rules. If a person has already received two warnings, he or she will be asked to leave without hesitation or negotiation after the third infraction of the rules. No refunds will be given for those who choose to leave or are asked to leave.

In exceptional cases, a very disruptive participant failing to abide by the rules and requirements may be told to leave without the benefit of several warnings. In such cases, when the participant is willing to follow the rules, he or she may be welcome to return. Such decisions will be made solely at the discretion of the Retreat Leader and are non-negotiable.

Read also: Hridaya Retreat – Introduction

Theme: Overlay by Kaira