Categorie: English

7-day Hridaya Retreat (26 August – 3 September)

Kamala Yoga and Meditation Center and Hridaya Yoga teacher Rhazes Hernandez invite you to be with us for a week for a Hridaya Retreat, a unique immersion experience which uses an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques to access your real and essential nature, known as the Spiritual Heart, the Supreme Self, or atman.

In this retreat we will set out the vision and fundamental principles of the Hridaya Yoga system – Yoga of the Spiritual Heart – and provide practical methods (postural procedures, breathing techniques, concentration and meditation) to create inner conditions conducive to exploring the deep dimension of Self-consciousness.

In the first part (26 – 30 August) we will have yoga and meditation in nature.

The last 3 days ( 31 August – 2 September) all participants will respect the noble silence – mauna, for interiorization, deeper meditations, introspection. During these 3 last days the participants will stay in complete silence and keep a solitary attitude while receiving a set of inspiring teachings and lectures  to provide with the opportunity to reach the deep states of consciousness that enable the revelation of the Heart. The approach is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Tantra Yoga and Dzogchen.

You will learn a form of Self-Enquiry meditation inspired by the non-dual teachings of the great sages Ramana Maharshi and Nisagardatta Maharaj.

Most importantly, this retreat will help you experience what it means to be centered in the Heart. This means to be aware of that peaceful and eternal core of your being, which cannot be perceived by the rational mind but is the source of all inspiration, love, and beauty.

No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginner and advanced meditators alike.

This retreat is guided in English. 

The leader of the retreat

The Hridaya Meditation Retreat is led by Hridaya Yoga teacher Rhazes Hernandez.

Administrative details:

The retreat is held in Kamala Yoga and Meditation Center, located in Sanpentru, a village about 2 km from Brasov, near the wonderful forests and Carpati mountains. The trip from the Bucharest airport to Brasov takes about three hours, either by train or bus. We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru.

Accommodation and meals are provided by Kamala Center.

The diet is vegetarian (vegan on request).

The retreat fee (including accommodation and meals) is between 250300 euro, in double or single rooms.

For more info and registration, please contact Rhazes (or Kamala Center):

– by email:

– by phone, whatsapp +13472617120

Kamala Center contact info:

  • e-mail
  • phone/ whatsapp/ signal/ telegrom +40731324241

May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!

10-day Hridaya Silent retreat with Sahajananda, December 2022, on-site and on-line

Kamala Yoga and Meditation Center invites you to register for the 10-Day Hridaya Retreat with Sahajananda, between 27 December 2022 – 7 January 2023. The retreat will take place ON-SITE, in Kamala center, near Brasov, Romania, and ONLINE (on Zoom application) for those people who can not travel.

We respect the special conditions of actual pandemic situation. The yoga hall and all facilities are disinfected, the accommodation is with single or double rooms (for people who know each other and accept to stay together).

Attention! In the case of symptoms of flu/ sickness just before the retreat, in December, the registered participant will be asked to stay home (the access in our center will not be possible) and the deposit will be transferred for the online retreat.

The full description of the retreat can be read below.

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is a unique 10-day immersion experience which uses an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques to access your real and essential nature, known as the Spiritual Heart, the Supreme Self, or atman.

During the retreat, you will explore the Spiritual Heart from a variety of perspectives, including esoteric Christianity, Sufism, and Kashmir Shaivism. In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet and merge into the same ineffable Reality.

During this program you will stay in complete silence and keep a solitary attitude while receiving a set of inspiring teachings and lectures  to provide you with the opportunity to reach the deep states of consciousness that enable the revelation of the Heart. The approach is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Tantra Yoga, and Dzogchen.

You will learn a form of Self-Enquiry meditation inspired by the non-dual teachings of the great sage Ramana Maharshi.

Most importantly, this retreat will help you experience what it means to be centered in the Heart. This means to be aware of that peaceful and eternal core of your being, which cannot be perceived by the rational mind but is the source of all inspiration, love, and beauty.

No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginner and advanced meditators alike.

This retreat is guided in English, with Romanian translation if needed. 


The retreat includes guided meditations, lectures, and practical methods including:

  • The Self-Enquiry method of Ramana Maharshi (using the question “Who am I?”)
  • Techniques for stilling the mind using breath awareness
  • The symbolism of the Spiritual Heart
  • Methods of Self-centering in everyday life
  • How to maintain awareness of the Spiritual Heart, in the tradition of the Fathers and Mothers of the Desert (from Christianity)
  • The Christian “Prayer of the Heart”
  • Advaita Vedanta’s fundamental principles
  • Methods for moving from individual consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness
  • The four fundamental aspects of the process of revealing your True Nature
  • Daily themed meditations related to Self-awareness
  • Poetry
  • Hridaya Hatha Yoga sessions
  • A contemplation of death as a way to transcend desires and the tendencies of the ego
  • An inspiring lecture on the meaning of true love. 

The leader of the retreat

The Revelation of the Spiritual Heart Retreat is led by Claudiu Trandafir (Sahajananda), whose meditation, for years now, has been dedicated to the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart through Divine Love and the opening of the soul. Claudiu, an engineer in electronics by education, was formerly a professor at the University of Parapsychology in Bucharest, Romania. He has been a Yoga teacher for more than 30 years, specializing in solitary cave retreats, following the example of Ramana Maharshi and other Jnana Yoga masters. In 2001, after many solitary retreats, Claudiu began to guide groups of people using this method. He has led this special retreat for thousands of participants across Europe over the last seven years, and has also started to lead Retreat programs in Mexico and Thailand. By popular request, the Retreat program is now available in Canada, Great Britain, Romania, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Thailand, India, etc

We recommend you to read the guidelines and the specific rules of the Silent Hridaya Retreat here and  here

Administrative details:

The schedule of 27 December:

14:00 – registration and orientation

16.00 – hatha yoga session and practical recommendations for the retreat (asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, meditation). We strongly reccomend all to participate to this yoga and meditation session, even if you have participated in other Hridaya retreat, so you can be proper prepared for the beginning of the retreat.

18.00 – dinner

19.00 – In the meditation hall, there will be explained guidelines for participants, some general principles of the retreat and it will be the first lecture and meditation with Sahaja.

All administrative details will be resolved in that evening (27 August), so that when the retreat will begin on 28 December, the following 10 days will be devoted exclusively for meditation and interiorization.

The end of the retreat will be on 6 January,  after the meditation of the afternoon, when the participants will share the experiences lived in this period. Next morning, on 7 January, it will be the last meeting for meditation, questions and answers, lunch and the depart of participants.

The program will be about 10 hours per day (approx. 6.5 hours for meditations, 2 hours for lectures and presenting inspiring texts, 1,5 hours Hatha Yoga practice), with breaks for meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and rest.

First meal is the dinner on 27 December, the last meal is the lunch on 7 January. The diet is vegetarian (vegan on request).

The retreat is held in Sanpentru, a town about 2 km from Brasov. The trip from the airport in Bucharest to Brasov takes about three hours, either by train or bus. We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru.

The retreat is held in English.

For retreat fee info, please contact us:

– by e-mail: or

– by phone +40731324241.

Payment must be made in advance. A deposit of 150 euro is due with reservation.

Refunds Policy

If you want to cancel the participation to this retreat:

-till 31 September 2022 the fee will be refunded (less bank transfer fee)

-till 1 December 2022 will be refunded 50 %

-after 1 December 2022  the fee is non refundable.

If a person makes the decision to leave the retreat, he or she does so with the foreknowledge that the fees are forfeited.

The only exception to this scenario is for cases of medical emergency, in which case – following substantiation of a refund request – Kamala Center will return fees for the unattended portion of the retreat (on a per diem basis, according to the rate of fees paid).

Registration is being coordinated by Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre.


email: or

phone: + 40 731 32 42 41 or +40 731 32 42 39

Registration is made in order of request.

May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!

10-day Hridaya Silent Retreat with Sahajananda, August 2022, on-site and on-line

Kamala Yoga and Meditation Center invites you to register for the 10-Day Hridaya Retreat with Sahajananda, between 10-21 August 2022. The retreat will take place ON-SITE, in Kamala center, near Brasov, Romania, and ONLINE (on Zoom application) for those people who can not travel in August.

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is a unique 10-day immersion experience which uses an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques to access your real and essential nature, known as the Spiritual Heart, the Supreme Self, or atman.

During the retreat, you will explore the Spiritual Heart from a variety of perspectives, including esoteric Christianity, Sufism, and Kashmir Shaivism. In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet and merge into the same ineffable Reality.

During this program you will stay in complete silence and keep a solitary attitude while receiving a set of inspiring teachings and lectures  to provide you with the opportunity to reach the deep states of consciousness that enable the revelation of the Heart. The approach is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Tantra Yoga, and Dzogchen.

You will learn a form of Self-Enquiry meditation inspired by the non-dual teachings of the great sage Ramana Maharshi.

Most importantly, this retreat will help you experience what it means to be centered in the Heart. This means to be aware of that peaceful and eternal core of your being, which cannot be perceived by the rational mind but is the source of all inspiration, love, and beauty.

No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginner and advanced meditators alike.

This retreat is guided in English, with Romanian translation if needed. 


The retreat includes guided meditations, lectures, and practical methods including:

  • The Self-Enquiry method of Ramana Maharshi (using the question “Who am I?”)
  • Techniques for stilling the mind using breath awareness
  • The symbolism of the Spiritual Heart
  • Methods of Self-centering in everyday life
  • How to maintain awareness of the Spiritual Heart, in the tradition of the Fathers and Mothers of the Desert (from Christianity)
  • The Christian “Prayer of the Heart”
  • Advaita Vedanta’s fundamental principles
  • Methods for moving from individual consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness
  • The four fundamental aspects of the process of revealing your True Nature
  • Daily themed meditations related to Self-awareness
  • Poetry
  • Hridaya Hatha Yoga sessions
  • A contemplation of death as a way to transcend desires and the tendencies of the ego
  • An inspiring lecture on the meaning of true love. 

The leader of the retreat

The Revelation of the Spiritual Heart Retreat is led by Claudiu Trandafir (Sahajananda), whose meditation, for years now, has been dedicated to the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart through Divine Love and the opening of the soul. Claudiu, an engineer in electronics by education, was formerly a professor at the University of Parapsychology in Bucharest, Romania. He has been a Yoga teacher for more than 30 years, specializing in solitary cave retreats, following the example of Ramana Maharshi and other Jnana Yoga masters. In 2001, after many solitary retreats, Claudiu began to guide groups of people using this method. He has led this special retreat for thousands of participants across Europe over the last seven years, and has also started to lead Retreat programs in Mexico and Thailand. By popular request, the Retreat program is now available in Canada, Great Britain, Romania, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Thailand, India, etc

We recommend you to read the guidelines and the specific rules of the Silent Hridaya Retreat here and  here

Administrative details:

The schedule of 10 August:

14:00 – registration and orientation

16.00 – hatha yoga session and practical recommendations for the retreat (asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, meditation). We strongly reccomend all to participate to this yoga and meditation session, even if you have participated in other Hridaya retreat, so you can be proper prepared for the beginning of the retreat.

18.00 – dinner

19.00 – In the meditation hall, there will be explained guidelines for participants, some general principles of the retreat and it will be the first lecture and meditation with Sahaja.

All administrative details will be resolved in that evening (10 August), so that when the retreat will begin on 11 August, the following 10 days will be devoted exclusively for meditation and interiorization.

The end of the retreat will be on 20 August,  after the meditation of the afternoon, when the participants will share experiences lived in this period. Next morning, on 21 August, it will be the last meeting for meditation, questions and answers, lunch and the depart of participants.

The program will be about 10 hours per day (approx. 6.5 hours for meditations, 2 hours for lectures and presenting inspiring texts, 1,5 hours Hatha Yoga practice), with breaks for meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and rest.

First meal is the dinner on 10 August, the last meal is the lunch on 21 August. The diet is vegetarian (vegan on request).

The retreat is held in Sanpentru, a town about 2 km from Brasov. The trip from the airport in Bucharest to Brasov takes about three hours, either by train or bus. We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru.

The retreat is held in English.

For retreat fee info, please contact us:

– by e-mail: or

– by phone +40731324241.

Payment must be made in advance. A deposit of 150 euro is due with reservation.

Refunds Policy

If you want to cancel the participation to this retreat:

-till 31th June 2022 the fee will be refunded (less bank transfer fee)

-till 15st July 2022 will be refunded 50 %

-after 15st July 2022  the fee is non refundable.

If a person makes the decision to leave the retreat, he or she does so with the foreknowledge that the fees are forfeited.

The only exception to this scenario is for cases of medical emergency, in which case – following substantiation of a refund request – Kamala Center will return fees for the unattended portion of the retreat (on a per diem basis, according to the rate of fees paid).

Registration is being coordinated by Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre.


email: or

phone: + 40 731 32 42 41 or +40 731 32 42 39

Registration is made in order of request.

More info:

May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!

10-day Hridaya Silent retreat with Sahajananda, December 2021, on-site and on-line

Kamala Yoga and Meditation Center invites you to register for the 10-Day Hridaya Retreat with Sahajananda, between 27 December 2021 – 7 January 2022. The retreat will take place ON-SITE, in Kamala center, near Brasov, Romania, and ONLINE (on Zoom application) for those people who can not travel.

We respect the special conditions of actual pandemic situation. The yoga hall and all facilities are disinfected, the accommodation is with single or double rooms (for people who know each other and accept to stay together).

Attention! In the case of symptoms of flu/ sickness just before the retreat, in December, the registered participant will be asked to stay home (the access in our center will not be possible) and the deposit will be transferred for the online retreat.

The full description of the retreat can be read below.

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is a unique 10-day immersion experience which uses an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques to access your real and essential nature, known as the Spiritual Heart, the Supreme Self, or atman.

During the retreat, you will explore the Spiritual Heart from a variety of perspectives, including esoteric Christianity, Sufism, and Kashmir Shaivism. In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet and merge into the same ineffable Reality.

During this program you will stay in complete silence and keep a solitary attitude while receiving a set of inspiring teachings and lectures  to provide you with the opportunity to reach the deep states of consciousness that enable the revelation of the Heart. The approach is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Tantra Yoga, and Dzogchen.

You will learn a form of Self-Enquiry meditation inspired by the non-dual teachings of the great sage Ramana Maharshi.

Most importantly, this retreat will help you experience what it means to be centered in the Heart. This means to be aware of that peaceful and eternal core of your being, which cannot be perceived by the rational mind but is the source of all inspiration, love, and beauty.

No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginner and advanced meditators alike.

This retreat is guided in English, with Romanian translation if needed. 


The retreat includes guided meditations, lectures, and practical methods including:

  • The Self-Enquiry method of Ramana Maharshi (using the question “Who am I?”)
  • Techniques for stilling the mind using breath awareness
  • The symbolism of the Spiritual Heart
  • Methods of Self-centering in everyday life
  • How to maintain awareness of the Spiritual Heart, in the tradition of the Fathers and Mothers of the Desert (from Christianity)
  • The Christian “Prayer of the Heart”
  • Advaita Vedanta’s fundamental principles
  • Methods for moving from individual consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness
  • The four fundamental aspects of the process of revealing your True Nature
  • Daily themed meditations related to Self-awareness
  • Poetry
  • Hridaya Hatha Yoga sessions
  • A contemplation of death as a way to transcend desires and the tendencies of the ego
  • An inspiring lecture on the meaning of true love. 

The leader of the retreat

The Revelation of the Spiritual Heart Retreat is led by Claudiu Trandafir (Sahajananda), whose meditation, for years now, has been dedicated to the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart through Divine Love and the opening of the soul. Claudiu, an engineer in electronics by education, was formerly a professor at the University of Parapsychology in Bucharest, Romania. He has been a Yoga teacher for more than 30 years, specializing in solitary cave retreats, following the example of Ramana Maharshi and other Jnana Yoga masters. In 2001, after many solitary retreats, Claudiu began to guide groups of people using this method. He has led this special retreat for thousands of participants across Europe over the last seven years, and has also started to lead Retreat programs in Mexico and Thailand. By popular request, the Retreat program is now available in Canada, Great Britain, Romania, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Thailand, India, etc

We recommend you to read the guidelines and the specific rules of the Silent Hridaya Retreat here and  here

Administrative details:

The schedule of 27 December:

14:00 – registration and orientation

16.00 – hatha yoga session and practical recommendations for the retreat (asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, meditation). We strongly reccomend all to participate to this yoga and meditation session, even if you have participated in other Hridaya retreat, so you can be proper prepared for the beginning of the retreat.

18.00 – dinner

19.00 – In the meditation hall, there will be explained guidelines for participants, some general principles of the retreat and it will be the first lecture and meditation with Sahaja.

All administrative details will be resolved in that evening (27 August), so that when the retreat will begin on 28 December, the following 10 days will be devoted exclusively for meditation and interiorization.

The end of the retreat will be on 6 January,  after the meditation of the afternoon, when the participants will share the experiences lived in this period. Next morning, on 7 January, it will be the last meeting for meditation, questions and answers, lunch and the depart of participants.

The program will be about 10 hours per day (approx. 6.5 hours for meditations, 2 hours for lectures and presenting inspiring texts, 1,5 hours Hatha Yoga practice), with breaks for meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and rest.

First meal is the dinner on 27 December, the last meal is the lunch on 7 January. The diet is vegetarian (vegan on request).

The retreat is held in Sanpentru, a town about 2 km from Brasov. The trip from the airport in Bucharest to Brasov takes about three hours, either by train or bus. We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru.

The retreat is held in English.

For retreat fee info, please contact us:

– by e-mail: or

– by phone +40731324241.

Payment must be made in advance. A deposit of 150 euro is due with reservation.

Refunds Policy

If you want to cancel the participation to this retreat:

-till 31 September 2021 the fee will be refunded (less bank transfer fee)

-till 1 December 2021 will be refunded 50 %

-after 1 December 2021  the fee is non refundable.

If a person makes the decision to leave the retreat, he or she does so with the foreknowledge that the fees are forfeited.

The only exception to this scenario is for cases of medical emergency, in which case – following substantiation of a refund request – Kamala Center will return fees for the unattended portion of the retreat (on a per diem basis, according to the rate of fees paid).

Registration is being coordinated by Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre.


email: or

phone: + 40 731 32 42 41 or +40 731 32 42 39

Registration is made in order of request.

May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!

10-day Hridaya Silent Retreat with Sahajananda, August 2021, on-site and on-line

Kamala Yoga and Meditation Center invites you to register for the 10-Day Hridaya Retreat with Sahajananda, between 13-24 August 2021. The retreat will take place ON-SITE, in Kamala center, near Brasov, Romania, and ONLINE (on Zoom application) for those people who can not travel in August.

We respect the special conditions of actual pandemic situation. The yoga hall and all facilities are disinfected, the accommodation is with single or double rooms (for people who know each other and accept to stay together).

Attention! In the case of symptoms of flu/ sickness just before the retreat, in August, the registered participant will be asked to stay home (the access in our center will not be possible) and the deposit will be transferred for the online retreat.

The full description of the retreat can be read below.

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is a unique 10-day immersion experience which uses an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques to access your real and essential nature, known as the Spiritual Heart, the Supreme Self, or atman.

During the retreat, you will explore the Spiritual Heart from a variety of perspectives, including esoteric Christianity, Sufism, and Kashmir Shaivism. In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet and merge into the same ineffable Reality.

During this program you will stay in complete silence and keep a solitary attitude while receiving a set of inspiring teachings and lectures  to provide you with the opportunity to reach the deep states of consciousness that enable the revelation of the Heart. The approach is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Tantra Yoga, and Dzogchen.

You will learn a form of Self-Enquiry meditation inspired by the non-dual teachings of the great sage Ramana Maharshi.

Most importantly, this retreat will help you experience what it means to be centered in the Heart. This means to be aware of that peaceful and eternal core of your being, which cannot be perceived by the rational mind but is the source of all inspiration, love, and beauty.

No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginner and advanced meditators alike.

This retreat is guided in English, with Romanian translation if needed. 


The retreat includes guided meditations, lectures, and practical methods including:

  • The Self-Enquiry method of Ramana Maharshi (using the question “Who am I?”)
  • Techniques for stilling the mind using breath awareness
  • The symbolism of the Spiritual Heart
  • Methods of Self-centering in everyday life
  • How to maintain awareness of the Spiritual Heart, in the tradition of the Fathers and Mothers of the Desert (from Christianity)
  • The Christian “Prayer of the Heart”
  • Advaita Vedanta’s fundamental principles
  • Methods for moving from individual consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness
  • The four fundamental aspects of the process of revealing your True Nature
  • Daily themed meditations related to Self-awareness
  • Poetry
  • Hridaya Hatha Yoga sessions
  • A contemplation of death as a way to transcend desires and the tendencies of the ego
  • An inspiring lecture on the meaning of true love. 

The leader of the retreat

The Revelation of the Spiritual Heart Retreat is led by Claudiu Trandafir (Sahajananda), whose meditation, for years now, has been dedicated to the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart through Divine Love and the opening of the soul. Claudiu, an engineer in electronics by education, was formerly a professor at the University of Parapsychology in Bucharest, Romania. He has been a Yoga teacher for 25 years, specializing in solitary cave retreats, following the example of Ramana Maharshi and other Jnana Yoga masters. In 2001, after many solitary retreats, Claudiu began to guide groups of people using this method. He has led this special retreat for thousands of participants across Europe over the last seven years, and has also started to lead Retreat programs in Mexico and Thailand. By popular request, the Retreat program is now available in Canada, Great Britain, Romania, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Thailand, India, etc

We recommend you to read the guidelines and the specific rules of the Silent Hridaya Retreat here and  here. 

Administrative details:

The schedule of 13 August:

14:00 – registration and orientation

16.00 – hatha yoga session and practical recommendations for the retreat (asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, meditation). We strongly reccomend all to participate to this yoga and meditation session, even if you have participated in other Hridaya retreat, so you can be proper prepared for the beginning of the retreat.

18.00 – dinner

19.00 – In the meditation hall, there will be explained guidelines for participants, some general principles of the retreat and it will be the first lecture and meditation with Sahaja.

All administrative details will be resolved in that evening (13 August), so that when the retreat will begin on 14 August, the following 10 days will be devoted exclusively for meditation and interiorization.

The end of the retreat will be on 23 August,  after the meditation of the afternoon, when the participants will share experiences lived in this period. Next morning, on 24 August, it will be the last meeting for meditation, questions and answers, lunch and the depart of participants. The tour of Brasov and/ or trips around Brasov will be offered to those who choose to stay one or more days after retreat.

The program will be about 10 hours per day (approx. 6.5 hours for meditations, 2 hours for lectures and presenting inspiring texts, 1,5 hours Hatha Yoga practice), with breaks for meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and rest.

First meal is the dinner on 13 August, the last meal is the lunch on 24 August. The diet is vegetarian (vegan on request).

The retreat is held in Sanpentru, a town about 2 km from Brasov. The trip from the airport in Bucharest to Brasov takes about three hours, either by train or bus. We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru.

The retreat is held in English.

For retreat fee info, please contact us:

– by e-mail: or

– by phone +40731324241.

Payment must be made in advance. A deposit of 150 euro is due with reservation.

Refunds Policy

If you want to cancel the participation to this retreat:

-till 31th June the fee will be refunded (less bank transfer fee)

-till 15st July will be refunded 50 %

-after 15st July 2020  the fee is non refundable.

If a person makes the decision to leave the retreat, he or she does so with the foreknowledge that the fees are forfeited.

The only exception to this scenario is for cases of medical emergency, in which case – following substantiation of a refund request – Kamala Center will return fees for the unattended portion of the retreat (on a per diem basis, according to the rate of fees paid).

Registration is being coordinated by Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre.


email: or

phone: + 40 731 32 42 41 or +40 731 32 42 39

Registration is made in order of request.

More info:

May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!

10-day Hridaya retreat with Sahajananda, December 2020, online and on-site

Kamala Yoga and Meditation Center invites you to register for the 10-Day Hridaya Retreat with Sahajananda, between 27 December 2020 – 7 January 2021. The retreat will take place ON-SITE, in Kamala center, near Brasov, Romania, and ONLINE (on Zoom application) for those people who can not travel.

We respect the special conditions of actual pandemic situation. The yoga hall and all facilities are disinfected, the accommodation is with single or double rooms (for people who know each other and accept to stay together).

Attention! In the case of symptoms of flu/ sickness just before the retreat, in December, the registered participant will be asked to stay home (the access in our center will not be possible) and the deposit will be transferred for the online retreat.

The full description of the retreat can be read below.

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is a unique 10-day immersion experience which uses an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques to access your real and essential nature, known as the Spiritual Heart, the Supreme Self, or atman.

During the retreat, you will explore the Spiritual Heart from a variety of perspectives, including esoteric Christianity, Sufism, and Kashmir Shaivism. In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet and merge into the same ineffable Reality.

During this program you will stay in complete silence and keep a solitary attitude while receiving a set of inspiring teachings and lectures  to provide you with the opportunity to reach the deep states of consciousness that enable the revelation of the Heart. The approach is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Tantra Yoga, and Dzogchen.

You will learn a form of Self-Enquiry meditation inspired by the non-dual teachings of the great sage Ramana Maharshi.

Most importantly, this retreat will help you experience what it means to be centered in the Heart. This means to be aware of that peaceful and eternal core of your being, which cannot be perceived by the rational mind but is the source of all inspiration, love, and beauty.

No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginner and advanced meditators alike.

This retreat is guided in English, with Romanian translation if needed. 


The retreat includes guided meditations, lectures, and practical methods including:

  • The Self-Enquiry method of Ramana Maharshi (using the question “Who am I?”)
  • Techniques for stilling the mind using breath awareness
  • The symbolism of the Spiritual Heart
  • Methods of Self-centering in everyday life
  • How to maintain awareness of the Spiritual Heart, in the tradition of the Fathers and Mothers of the Desert (from Christianity)
  • The Christian “Prayer of the Heart”
  • Advaita Vedanta’s fundamental principles
  • Methods for moving from individual consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness
  • The four fundamental aspects of the process of revealing your True Nature
  • Daily themed meditations related to Self-awareness
  • Poetry
  • Hridaya Hatha Yoga sessions
  • A contemplation of death as a way to transcend desires and the tendencies of the ego
  • An inspiring lecture on the meaning of true love. 

The leader of the retreat

The Revelation of the Spiritual Heart Retreat is led by Claudiu Trandafir (Sahajananda), whose meditation, for years now, has been dedicated to the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart through Divine Love and the opening of the soul. Claudiu, an engineer in electronics by education, was formerly a professor at the University of Parapsychology in Bucharest, Romania. He has been a Yoga teacher for 25 years, specializing in solitary cave retreats, following the example of Ramana Maharshi and other Jnana Yoga masters. In 2001, after many solitary retreats, Claudiu began to guide groups of people using this method. He has led this special retreat for thousands of participants across Europe over the last seven years, and has also started to lead Retreat programs in Mexico and Thailand. By popular request, the Retreat program is now available in Canada, Great Britain, Romania, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Thailand, India, etc

We recommend you to read the guidelines and the specific rules of the Silent Hridaya Retreat here and  here. 

Administrative details:

The schedule of 27 December:

14:00 – registration and orientation

16.00 – hatha yoga session and practical recommendations for the retreat (asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, meditation). We strongly reccomend all to participate to this yoga and meditation session, even if you have participated in other Hridaya retreat, so you can be proper prepared for the beginning of the retreat.

18.00 – dinner

19.00 – In the meditation hall, there will be explained guidelines for participants, some general principles of the retreat and it will be the first lecture and meditation with Sahaja.

All administrative details will be resolved in that evening (27 August), so that when the retreat will begin on 28 December, the following 10 days will be devoted exclusively for meditation and interiorization.

The end of the retreat will be on 6 January,  after the meditation of the afternoon, when the participants will share the experiences lived in this period. Next morning, on 7 January, it will be the last meeting for meditation, questions and answers, lunch and the depart of participants.

The program will be about 10 hours per day (approx. 6.5 hours for meditations, 2 hours for lectures and presenting inspiring texts, 1,5 hours Hatha Yoga practice), with breaks for meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and rest.

First meal is the dinner on 27 December, the last meal is the lunch on 7 January. The diet is vegetarian (vegan on request).

The retreat is held in Sanpentru, a town about 2 km from Brasov. The trip from the airport in Bucharest to Brasov takes about three hours, either by train or bus. We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru.

The retreat is held in English.

For retreat fee info, please contact us:

by e-mail: or

by phone +40731324241.

Payment must be made in advance. A deposit of 150 euro is due with reservation.

Refunds Policy

If you want to cancel the participation to this retreat:

-till 31 September 2020 the fee will be refunded (less bank transfer fee)

-till 1 December 2020 will be refunded 50 %

-after 1 December 2020  the fee is non refundable.

If a person makes the decision to leave the retreat, he or she does so with the foreknowledge that the fees are forfeited.

The only exception to this scenario is for cases of medical emergency, in which case – following substantiation of a refund request – Kamala Center will return fees for the unattended portion of the retreat (on a per diem basis, according to the rate of fees paid).

Registration is being coordinated by Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre.


email: or

phone: + 40 731 32 42 41 or +40 731 32 42 39

Registration is made in order of request.

More info:

May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!

10-day Hridaya Silent Retreat with Sahajananda, August 2020, online and on-site

Kamala Yoga and Meditation Center invites you to register for the 10-Day Hridaya Retreat with Sahajananda, between 7-18 August 2020. The retreat will take place ON-SITE, in Kamala center, near Brasov, Romania, and ONLINE (on Zoom application) for those people who can not travel in August.

We respect the special conditions of actual pandemic situation. The yoga hall and all facilities are disinfected, the accommodation is with single or double rooms (for people who know each other and accept to stay together).

Attention! In the case of symptoms of flu/ sickness just before the retreat, in August, the registered participant will be asked to stay home (the access in our center will not be possible) and the deposit will be transferred for the online retreat.

The full description of the retreat can be read below.

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is a unique 10-day immersion experience which uses an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques to access your real and essential nature, known as the Spiritual Heart, the Supreme Self, or atman.

During the retreat, you will explore the Spiritual Heart from a variety of perspectives, including esoteric Christianity, Sufism, and Kashmir Shaivism. In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet and merge into the same ineffable Reality.

During this program you will stay in complete silence and keep a solitary attitude while receiving a set of inspiring teachings and lectures  to provide you with the opportunity to reach the deep states of consciousness that enable the revelation of the Heart. The approach is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Tantra Yoga, and Dzogchen.

You will learn a form of Self-Enquiry meditation inspired by the non-dual teachings of the great sage Ramana Maharshi.

Most importantly, this retreat will help you experience what it means to be centered in the Heart. This means to be aware of that peaceful and eternal core of your being, which cannot be perceived by the rational mind but is the source of all inspiration, love, and beauty.

No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginner and advanced meditators alike.

This retreat is guided in English, with Romanian translation if needed. 


The retreat includes guided meditations, lectures, and practical methods including:

  • The Self-Enquiry method of Ramana Maharshi (using the question “Who am I?”)
  • Techniques for stilling the mind using breath awareness
  • The symbolism of the Spiritual Heart
  • Methods of Self-centering in everyday life
  • How to maintain awareness of the Spiritual Heart, in the tradition of the Fathers and Mothers of the Desert (from Christianity)
  • The Christian “Prayer of the Heart”
  • Advaita Vedanta’s fundamental principles
  • Methods for moving from individual consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness
  • The four fundamental aspects of the process of revealing your True Nature
  • Daily themed meditations related to Self-awareness
  • Poetry
  • Hridaya Hatha Yoga sessions
  • A contemplation of death as a way to transcend desires and the tendencies of the ego
  • An inspiring lecture on the meaning of true love. 

The leader of the retreat

The Revelation of the Spiritual Heart Retreat is led by Claudiu Trandafir (Sahajananda), whose meditation, for years now, has been dedicated to the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart through Divine Love and the opening of the soul. Claudiu, an engineer in electronics by education, was formerly a professor at the University of Parapsychology in Bucharest, Romania. He has been a Yoga teacher for 25 years, specializing in solitary cave retreats, following the example of Ramana Maharshi and other Jnana Yoga masters. In 2001, after many solitary retreats, Claudiu began to guide groups of people using this method. He has led this special retreat for thousands of participants across Europe over the last seven years, and has also started to lead Retreat programs in Mexico and Thailand. By popular request, the Retreat program is now available in Canada, Great Britain, Romania, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Thailand, India, etc

We recommend you to read the guidelines and the specific rules of the Silent Hridaya Retreat here and  here. 

Administrative details:

The schedule of 7 August:

14:00 – registration and orientation

16.00 – hatha yoga session and practical recommendations for the retreat (asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, meditation). We strongly reccomend all to participate to this yoga and meditation session, even if you have participated in other Hridaya retreat, so you can be proper prepared for the beginning of the retreat.

18.00 – dinner

19.00 – In the meditation hall, there will be explained guidelines for participants, some general principles of the retreat and it will be the first lecture and meditation with Sahaja.

All administrative details will be resolved in that evening (7 August), so that when the retreat will begin on 8 August, the following 10 days will be devoted exclusively for meditation and interiorization.

The end of the retreat will be on 17 August,  after the meditation of the afternoon, when the participants will share experiences lived in this period. Next morning, on 18 August, it will be the last meeting for meditation, questions and answers, lunch and the depart of participants. The tour of Brasov and/ or trips around Brasov will be offered to those who choose to stay one or more days after retreat.

The program will be about 10 hours per day (approx. 6.5 hours for meditations, 2 hours for lectures and presenting inspiring texts, 1,5 hours Hatha Yoga practice), with breaks for meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and rest.

First meal is the dinner on 7 August, the last meal is the lunch on 18 August. The diet is vegetarian (vegan on request).

The retreat is held in Sanpentru, a town about 2 km from Brasov. The trip from the airport in Bucharest to Brasov takes about three hours, either by train or bus. We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru.

The retreat is held in English.

For retreat fee info, please contact us:

by e-mail: or

by phone +40731324241.

Payment must be made in advance. A deposit of 150 euro is due with reservation.

Refunds Policy

If you want to cancel the participation to this retreat:

-till 31th June 2020 the fee will be refunded (less bank transfer fee)

-till 15st July 2020 will be refunded 50 %

-after 15st July 2020  the fee is non refundable.

If a person makes the decision to leave the retreat, he or she does so with the foreknowledge that the fees are forfeited.

The only exception to this scenario is for cases of medical emergency, in which case – following substantiation of a refund request – Kamala Center will return fees for the unattended portion of the retreat (on a per diem basis, according to the rate of fees paid).

Registration is being coordinated by Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre.


email: or

phone: + 40 731 32 42 41 or +40 731 32 42 39

Registration is made in order of request.

More info: or

May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!

10-day Hridaya retreat with Sahajananda, December 2019

Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre organizes:

10-day Hridaya Retreat – A Silent Meditation Retreat for the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart, with Sahajananda

26th December 2019 – 6th January 2020, Sanpetru (near Brasov), Romania

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is a unique immersion experience which focuses on accessing our real and essential nature, the supreme and divine Self, atman, through an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques. During the retreat, we address broad aspects of the Spiritual Heart, from a variety of traditions including esoteric Christian, Sufi, and Kashmir Shaivism. The atmosphere will be one of agape and strong spiritual support.

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat was created specifically to comprehensively and intimately understand what meditation is and to feel the amazing inner transformations which it brings.

The program aims to create an experience resembling a solitary retreat (such as in a cave) in order to provide an opportunity to reach deep states of consciousness, intense aspiration for the Divine, and highly focused interiorization for the awakening and blossoming of the soul, jivatman. This method is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Sufism, Tantra, and Dzogchen.

In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet harmoniously and merge into the same ineffable Reality. During the Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat, practitioners will be skillfully guided to this penetrating understanding where the search for meaning ends in surrender to the domain of revelation. No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginner and advanced meditators alike.

We recommend you to read the guidelines and the specific rules of the Silent Hridaya Retreat here and  here

All meditations and techniques are specifically intended to activate the Spiritual Heart and to awaken the consciousness at this level. We will integrate advice for guided meditation, lectures and practical techniques and methodologies in our retreat sessions, including:

– Ramana Maharshi’s atma vichara method of introspection (Who Am I?)

– Techniques to still the mind using breath control

– Study of the symbolism of the Spiritual Heart

– Methods of passing from individual consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness

– Methods of Self-centering in daily life

– A proper understanding of Advaita Vedanta’s fundamental tenets

– Hatha Yoga sessions in a special spiritual style

– Other Yogic methods that approach the issue of the Spiritual Heart

– Sacred poetry

– The four fundamental stages in the process of the revelation of the Spiritual Heart

– Advice for maintaining awareness in the Spiritual Heart in the tradition of the Fathers of the Desert (from Christianity)

– Daily special meditations on themes connected with Self-revelation

– The Christian method of the Prayer of the Heart.

The leader of the retreat

The Revelation of the Spiritual Heart Retreat is led by Claudiu Trandafir (Sahajananda), whose meditation, for years now, has been dedicated to the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart through Divine Love and the opening of the soul. Claudiu, an engineer in electronics by education, was formerly a professor at the University of Parapsychology in Bucharest, Romania. He has been a Yoga teacher for 25 years, specializing in solitary cave retreats, following the example of Ramana Maharshi and other Jnana Yoga masters. In 2001, after many solitary retreats, Claudiu began to guide groups of people using this method. He has led this special retreat for thousands of participants across Europe over the last seven years, and has also started to lead Retreat programs in Mexico and Thailand. By popular request, the Retreat program is now available in Canada, Great Britain, Romania, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Thailand, India, etc

Administrative details:

The schedule of 26th December:

14:00 – registration and orientation

16.00 – hatha yoga session and practical recommendations for the retreat (asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, meditation). We strongly reccomend all to participate to this yoga and meditation session, even if you have participated in other Hridaya retreat, so you can be proper prepared for the beginning of the retreat.

18.00 – dinner

19.00 – In the meditation hall, there will be explained guidelines for participants, some general principles of the retreat and it will be the first lecture and meditation with Sahaja.

All administrative details will be resolved in that evening (26th December), so that when the retreat will begin on 27th December, the following 10 days will be devoted exclusively for meditation and interiorization.

The end of the retreat will be on 5th of January,  after the meditation of the afternoon, when they will share experiences lived in this period. Next morning, on 6th January, it will be the last meeting for meditation, questions and answers, lunch and the depart of participants. The tour of Brasov and/ or trips around Brasov will be offered to those who choose to stay one or more days after retreat.

The program will be about 10 hours per day (approx. 6.5 hours for meditations, 2 hours for lectures and presenting inspiring texts, 1,5 hours Hatha Yoga practice), with breaks for meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and rest. First meal is the dinner on 26 December, the last meal is the lunch on 6 January. The diet is vegetarian (vegan on request).

The retreat is held in Sanpentru, a town about 2 km from Brasov. The trip from the airport in Bucharest to Brasov takes about three hours, either by train or bus. We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru.

The retreat is held in English.

For retreat fee info, please contact us:

– by e-mail: or

– by phone +40731324241.

There is a discount for early registration (till 31th September 2019).

Payment must be made in advance. A deposit of 150 euro is due with reservation.

Refunds Policy

If you want to cancel the participation to this retreat:

-till 31th September  2019 the fee will be refunded (less bank transfer fee)

-till 1st December  2019 will be refunded 50 %

-after 1st December 2019 the fee is non refundable.

If a person makes the decision to leave the retreat, he or she does so with the foreknowledge that the fees are forfeited.

The only exception to this scenario is for cases of medical emergency, in which case – following substantiation of a refund request – Kamala Center will return fees for the unattended portion of the retreat (on a per diem basis, according to the rate of fees paid).

Registration is being coordinated by Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre.


email: or

phone: + 40 731 324 241 or + 40 268 360 424

Registration is made in order of request.

More info: or

May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!

10-day Hridaya retreat with Sahajananda, August 2019

Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre organizes:

10-day Hridaya Retreat – A Silent Meditation Retreat for the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart, with Sahajananda

9-20th August 2019, Sanpetru (near Brasov), Romania

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is a unique immersion experience which focuses on accessing our real and essential nature, the supreme and divine Self, atman, through an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques. During the retreat, we address broad aspects of the Spiritual Heart, from a variety of traditions including esoteric Christian, Sufi, and Kashmir Shaivism. The atmosphere will be one of agape and strong spiritual support.

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat was created specifically to comprehensively and intimately understand what meditation is and to feel the amazing inner transformations which it brings.

The program aims to create an experience resembling a solitary retreat (such as in a cave) in order to provide an opportunity to reach deep states of consciousness, intense aspiration for the Divine, and highly focused interiorization for the awakening and blossoming of the soul, jivatman. This method is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Sufism, Tantra, and Dzogchen.

In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet harmoniously and merge into the same ineffable Reality. During the Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat, practitioners will be skillfully guided to this penetrating understanding where the search for meaning ends in surrender to the domain of revelation. No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginner and advanced meditators alike.

We recommend you to read the guidelines and the specific rules of the Silent Hridaya Retreat here and  here

All meditations and techniques are specifically intended to activate the Spiritual Heart and to awaken the consciousness at this level. We will integrate advice for guided meditation, lectures and practical techniques and methodologies in our retreat sessions, including:

– Ramana Maharshi’s atma vichara method of introspection (Who Am I?)

– Techniques to still the mind using breath control

– Study of the symbolism of the Spiritual Heart

– Methods of passing from individual consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness

– Methods of Self-centering in daily life

– A proper understanding of Advaita Vedanta’s fundamental tenets

– Hatha Yoga sessions in a special spiritual style

– Other Yogic methods that approach the issue of the Spiritual Heart

– Sacred poetry

– The four fundamental stages in the process of the revelation of the Spiritual Heart

– Advice for maintaining awareness in the Spiritual Heart in the tradition of the Fathers of the Desert (from Christianity)

– Daily special meditations on themes connected with Self-revelation

– The Christian method of the Prayer of the Heart.

The leader of the retreat

The Revelation of the Spiritual Heart Retreat is led by Claudiu Trandafir (Sahajananda), whose meditation, for years now, has been dedicated to the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart through Divine Love and the opening of the soul. Claudiu, an engineer in electronics by education, was formerly a professor at the University of Parapsychology in Bucharest, Romania. He has been a Yoga teacher for 25 years, specializing in solitary cave retreats, following the example of Ramana Maharshi and other Jnana Yoga masters. In 2001, after many solitary retreats, Claudiu began to guide groups of people using this method. He has led this special retreat for thousands of participants across Europe over the last seven years, and has also started to lead Retreat programs in Mexico and Thailand. By popular request, the Retreat program is now available in Canada, Great Britain, Romania, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Thailand, India, etc

Administrative details:

The schedule of 9th August:

14:00 – registration and orientation

16.00 – hatha yoga session and practical recommendations for the retreat (asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, meditation). We strongly reccomend all to participate to this yoga and meditation session, even if you have participated in other Hridaya retreat, so you can be proper prepared for the beginning of the retreat.

18.00 – dinner

19.00 – In the meditation hall, there will be explained guidelines for participants, some general principles of the retreat and it will be the first lecture and meditation with Sahaja.

All administrative details will be resolved in that evening (9th August), so that when the retreat will begin on 10th August, the following 10 days will be devoted exclusively for meditation and interiorization.

The end of the retreat will be on 19th August 2019,  after the meditation of the afternoon, when the participants will share experiences lived in this period. Next morning, on 20th August 2019, it will be the last meeting for meditation, questions and answers, lunch and the depart of participants. The tour of Brasov and/ or trips around Brasov will be offered to those who choose to stay one or more days after retreat.

The program will be about 10 hours per day (approx. 6.5 hours for meditations, 2 hours for lectures and presenting inspiring texts, 1,5 hours Hatha Yoga practice), with breaks for meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and rest. First meal is the dinner on 9th August 2019, the last meal is the lunch on 20th August 2019. The diet is vegetarian (vegan on request).

The retreat is held in Sanpentru, a town about 2 km from Brasov. The trip from the airport in Bucharest to Brasov takes about three hours, either by train or bus. We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru.

The retreat is held in English.

For retreat fee info, please contact us:

– by e-mail: or

– by phone +40731324241.

There is a discount for early registration (till 31th March).

Payment must be made in advance. A deposit of 150 euro is due with reservation.

Refunds Policy

If you want to cancel the participation to this retreat:

-till 31th March 2019 the fee will be refunded (less bank transfer fee)

-till 15st July 2019 will be refunded 50 %

-after 15st July 2019  the fee is non refundable.

If a person makes the decision to leave the retreat, he or she does so with the foreknowledge that the fees are forfeited.

The only exception to this scenario is for cases of medical emergency, in which case – following substantiation of a refund request – Kamala Center will return fees for the unattended portion of the retreat (on a per diem basis, according to the rate of fees paid).

Registration is being coordinated by Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre.


email: or

phone: + 40 731 324 241 or + 40 268 360 424

Registration is made in order of request.

More info: or

May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!

10-day Hridaya retreat with Sahajananda, December 2018

Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre organizes:

10-day Hridaya Retreat – A Silent Meditation Retreat for the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart, with Sahajananda

26th December 2018 – 6th January 2019, Sanpetru (near Brasov), Romania

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is a unique immersion experience which focuses on accessing our real and essential nature, the supreme and divine Self, atman, through an artful integration of meditation and yoga techniques. During the retreat, we address broad aspects of the Spiritual Heart, from a variety of traditions including esoteric Christian, Sufi, and Kashmir Shaivism. The atmosphere will be one of agape and strong spiritual support.

The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat was created specifically to comprehensively and intimately understand what meditation is and to feel the amazing inner transformations which it brings.

The program aims to create an experience resembling a solitary retreat (such as in a cave) in order to provide an opportunity to reach deep states of consciousness, intense aspiration for the Divine, and highly focused interiorization for the awakening and blossoming of the soul, jivatman. This method is a unique integration of Advaita Vedanta, Sufism, Tantra, and Dzogchen.

In the advanced stages of practice, all paths of authentic spiritual traditions meet harmoniously and merge into the same ineffable Reality. During the Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat, practitioners will be skillfully guided to this penetrating understanding where the search for meaning ends in surrender to the domain of revelation. No previous meditation or yoga experience is necessary as this retreat is designed for beginner and advanced meditators alike.

We recommend you to read the guidelines and the specific rules of the Silent Hridaya Retreat here and  here

All meditations and techniques are specifically intended to activate the Spiritual Heart and to awaken the consciousness at this level. We will integrate advice for guided meditation, lectures and practical techniques and methodologies in our retreat sessions, including:

– Ramana Maharshi’s atma vichara method of introspection (Who Am I?)

– Techniques to still the mind using breath control

– Study of the symbolism of the Spiritual Heart

– Methods of passing from individual consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness

– Methods of Self-centering in daily life

– A proper understanding of Advaita Vedanta’s fundamental tenets

– Hatha Yoga sessions in a special spiritual style

– Other Yogic methods that approach the issue of the Spiritual Heart

– Sacred poetry

– The four fundamental stages in the process of the revelation of the Spiritual Heart

– Advice for maintaining awareness in the Spiritual Heart in the tradition of the Fathers of the Desert (from Christianity)

– Daily special meditations on themes connected with Self-revelation

– The Christian method of the Prayer of the Heart.

The leader of the retreat

The Revelation of the Spiritual Heart Retreat is led by Claudiu Trandafir (Sahajananda), whose meditation, for years now, has been dedicated to the Revelation of the Spiritual Heart through Divine Love and the opening of the soul. Claudiu, an engineer in electronics by education, was formerly a professor at the University of Parapsychology in Bucharest, Romania. He has been a Yoga teacher for 25 years, specializing in solitary cave retreats, following the example of Ramana Maharshi and other Jnana Yoga masters. In 2001, after many solitary retreats, Claudiu began to guide groups of people using this method. He has led this special retreat for thousands of participants across Europe over the last seven years, and has also started to lead Retreat programs in Mexico and Thailand. By popular request, the Retreat program is now available in Canada, Great Britain, Romania, Israel, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Thailand, India, etc

Administrative details:

The schedule of 26th December:

14:00 – registration and orientation

16.00 – hatha yoga session and practical recommendations for the retreat (asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha, meditation). We strongly reccomend all to participate to this yoga and meditation session, even if you have participated in other Hridaya retreat, so you can be proper prepared for the beginning of the retreat.

18.00 – dinner

19.00 – In the meditation hall, there will be explained guidelines for participants, some general principles of the retreat and it will be the first lecture and meditation with Sahaja.

All administrative details will be resolved in that evening (26th December), so that when the retreat will begin on 27th December, the following 10 days will be devoted exclusively for meditation and interiorization.

The end of the retreat will be on 5th of January,  after the meditation of the afternoon, when they will share experiences lived in this period. Next morning, on 6th January, it will be the last meeting for meditation, questions and answers, lunch and the depart of participants. The tour of Brasov and/ or trips around Brasov will be offered to those who choose to stay one or more days after retreat.

The program will be about 10 hours per day (approx. 6.5 hours for meditations, 2 hours for lectures and presenting inspiring texts, 1,5 hours Hatha Yoga practice), with breaks for meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and rest. First meal is the dinner on 26 December, the last meal is the lunch on 6 January. The diet is vegetarian (vegan on request).

The retreat is held in Sanpentru, a town about 2 km from Brasov. The trip from the airport in Bucharest to Brasov takes about three hours, either by train or bus. We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru.

The retreat is held in English.

For retreat fee info, please contact us:

– by e-mail: or

– by phone +40731324241.

There is a discount for early registration (till 31th September).

Payment must be made in advance. A deposit of 150 euro is due with reservation.

Refunds Policy

If you want to cancel the participation to this retreat:

-till 31th September  2018 the fee will be refunded (less bank transfer fee)

-till 1st December  2018 will be refunded 50 %

-after 1st December 2018 the fee is non refundable.

If a person makes the decision to leave the retreat, he or she does so with the foreknowledge that the fees are forfeited.

The only exception to this scenario is for cases of medical emergency, in which case – following substantiation of a refund request – Kamala Center will return fees for the unattended portion of the retreat (on a per diem basis, according to the rate of fees paid).

Registration is being coordinated by Kamala Yoga and Meditation Centre.


email: or

phone: + 40 731 324 241 or + 40 268 360 424

Registration is made in order of request.

More info: or

May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira