Tantric initiation in Bhuvaneswari, June 18-22, 2024
Transforming Your Life through the Grace of Bhuvaneshwari , The Essence of Knowledge and the Majesty of the Universe
Do you feel a longing for transformation, knowledge, inner peace, and wisdom?
Bhuvaneshwari is here, waiting for you…

5-Day Workshop on the Divine Wisdom of Knowledge and Essential Truth.
with Simona Trandafir, Senior Hridaya Yoga teacher
Presented in English in Sanpetru, Brasov, Romania
Enter the sacred realm of Tantra Yoga, which includes spiritual mysteries, Eastern philosophy, traditional practices, insights, and most of all, Love.
Tantra is the magnificent path of intense energy that brings us closer to the Spiritual Heart. It cultivates and honors our sacred creative power through mantras, pranayama, asanas, mudras, concentration techniques, rituals, and meditation. At the same time, Tantra includes devotional wonderment and exaltation towards the Divine Mother, Shakti, and the Divine Absolute, Shiva.
The Supreme Truth is Unique. Consciousness is one and the same everywhere. But, in Tantra, it is perceived and expressed in ten fundamental ways. These are the Dasha Maha Vidyas, the Ten Great Wisdoms. Each of them is a fascinating and gracious guide to the sacredness and peace of the Self.
These Ten Great Wisdoms represent ideal aspects that are awakened, to a certain extent, in everyone. In Tantra, spiritual realization is accompanied by a complete revelation of all ten.
This 5 days workshop offers an authentic initiation in one of the key elements of the fundamental Shakti triangle: Pure Intention (Tripura Sundari), Pure Knowledge (Bhuvaneshwari), and Pure Action (Tripura Bhairavi).
The Dasha Maha Vidya exist in you and you exist through them, and this workshop may help you to become more aware of this truth.
Bhuvaneshwari awakens the thrill of the Infinite. She is the space in which God’s endless love and willingness are manifesting. Embodies the power of openness and infinite expansion, of equanimity in spirit and the profound peace that contains the entire manifest world. Represents the very subtle space of the Heart.. Symbolizes the dynamic power of God, which manifests itself in a multitude of visible and impermanent forms. Manifests The Divine Knowledge by framing the context of the spiritual evolution and creating favorable conditions for its unfolding.
This workshop includes
- The initiation in one of the Bhuvaneshwari mantra
- Nada Yoga Meditation—connecting and empowering yourself with the subtle sound of Bhuvaneshwari
- Hridaya Meditation—reconnecting with the Spiritual Heart
- An exploration of the secret power of yantra
- Tantric Cosmogony
- Teachings about the six realms of manifestation (the realms of the gods, the demons, the hungry ghosts, the inferno, the animals, and humans), which are both inner and outer worlds
- Practical techniques from the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
- The ABCs of tantric ritual science
- Japa (mantra repetition) using a mala (rosary)
- Hridaya Hatha Yoga sessions
These practices ultimately lead to the stillness of the Heart. This workshop will help you open to Supreme Knowledge, which is also reflected in each level of your being.
“Know yourself and you shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the Universe.”
(Inscription on the Greek temple at Delphi)
Administrative details:
The workshop starts Tuesday, June 18 at 9 am and ends Saturday, June 22 after the final puja (the ritual ceremony) around 6 pm.
It is necessary to participate in all activities (daily between June 18-22 in the specified interval).
We recommend you arrive in our center Monday, 17 June, so you can rest and prepare yourself for the initiation. Also, you can stay one or more days after the workshop, depending on your departure flight.
The retreat is held in Kamala Yoga and Meditation Center, located in Sanpetru, a village about 2 km from Brasov, near the wonderful forests and Carpati mountains.
We can offer you all the necessary information for a fast and safe transport to Sanpetru (from Bucharest or any other airport or train station).
Accommodation and meals can be provided by Kamala Center.
The diet is vegetarian (vegan on request). The accommodation is in single, double or triple rooms.
The total fee, including participation fee, accommodation and 3 meals daily for 6 days (arrival Monday 17 June, departure Sunday 23 June) is between 290-385 euro, depending on accommodation.
Payment must be made in advance. A deposit of 100 euro is due with reservation.
For registration, please contact us:
– by e-mail: centrulkamala@gmail.com
– by phone/ whatsapp/ signal/ telegram +40731324241
May the Sacred Tremor of the Heart enlighten our lives!