49-Day Prathyabhijna Retreat

A 49-day Individual Silent Meditation Retreat, with the Personal Guidance of Sahajananda


The “Prathyabhijna Retreat” is an invitation to all those who have the calling to take their existing meditation practice to a deeper level. It is an invitation for those with a profound aspiration to deepen their spiritual understanding and to stabilize in the consciousness of oneness.

The classical 49-day period begins with participation in a 10-day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat led by Sahajananda, followed by 39 days devoted to intensive meditation practice in an individualized setting. During the weeks of solitary meditation Sahajananda will continue to provide personal supervision, guiding each practitioner through the retreat via written communication. In Romania, the retreat will start directly, without the 10 days Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat, but Sahajananda will provide guidance.

This Individual Silent Meditation Retreat will suit seasoned Hridaya practitioners and adepts of other practices alike, and requires strong determination and an attitude of surrender to the Spiritual Heart, the Divine Consciousness.

The Stages of Unfolding

The program require attendance at a 10-Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat in order to be initiated into and to recall the main elements of Hridaya Meditation. After this initial period of intense guidance, the practitioner moves into a solitary setting, supported by Sahajananda with personalized practical advice.

Hridaya Meditation is the main, essential practice of the Pratyabhijna Retreat and is supplemented by other important techniques recommended in the Shaivist Tradition, Mahamudra, and Dzogchen. The purpose of all of these practices is to create the best conditions in order to recognize the Universal, unique nature of Consciousness.

Personal guidance from Sahajananda helps participants deal with obstacles that arise during meditation and to break through subconscious limitations and self-created boundaries, therefore taking their meditations and spiritual understanding to a deeper level and ultimately recognizing the consciousness of oneness.

The General Structure of the Schedule

During the period of solitary retreat, the suggested daily schedule includes a minimum of 8 hours of Hridaya Meditation, 1-2 hours of relaxed Hatha Yoga, and 1 hour of Pranayama.

The meditation practice mainly consists of:

The Classic Hridaya Meditation method

  • Awareness of the Heart Center
  • Awareness of the pauses at the end of inhalation and exhalation, revealing the background of Stillness
  • Self-inquiry using the question “Who am I?” (thus constantly transcending any identification with the body, sensations, emotions, thoughts, and mind), the Wonder of Pure Existence

The Four Main Attitudes of Hridaya Meditation

  • The gradual cessation of ordinary thinking – inducing mental void and finally revealing Stillness
  • The interiorization of sense energies into the Heart Center – Pratyahara
  • Sublimation of the energies into spiritual aspiration, love, longing, the Sacred Tremor of the Heart, and, ultimately – Ishvara pranidhana
  • Surrender – abandoning personal limitations and opening to the Supreme

(For those interested, a more detailed schedule can be sent in advance.)


The retreat will be in Kamala Meditation and Yoga Centre, Sanpetru, Brașov, România.

Participants will each be provided with their own rooms and private bathrooms, with meals delivered three times per day.


Please contact centrulkamala@gmail.com for complete pricing information.

Information and Registration

If you are interested in joining us on this amazing spiritual adventure, contact centrulkamala@gmail.com.

Please note that we strongly recommend scheduling a minimum of one additional week preceding and following the retreat to allow for settling in and re-integration.


This intensive 49-day retreat has proven to be the most profound and highly transformative spiritual journey that I have consciously partaken in, in this lifetime. The preparatory teachings in the holistic Hridaya approach to spiritual development built a solid stage for countless revelations to dance in bliss and stillness. I believe anyone who feels a yearning to deepen their practice, should afford themselves the gift of this retreat. A continuity of practice over this seven-week duration has blossomed a depth and clarity unparalleled, its echoes seamlessly woven and integrated into fresh attitudes for experiencing life.” – Weston

During the 49-day retreat I had time to find myself…Disconnected from technology and major distractions, there was nothing to stop me from delving into the question, Who am I? I now have a clear understanding of myself and my connection with the universe. I am approaching life with a sense of tranquillity that has eluded me in the past. Thank you. I want to do it again!” – Janet

The 49-day retreat was an absolutely indispensable, fundamental experience for an adept of meditation who wished to go deeper into the revelation of the Self.

The retreat was pure grace. After taking more than 20 10-day retreats, I felt that it was my first real retreat, as though I had tasted an appetizer 20 times and finally received the main course.

To meditate alone in room was a completely different experience than being in a yoga hall with others. It gave me the opportunity to meditate long, uninterrupted hours without the subconscious worry of time restraints. I loved meditating throughout the night when all was quiet, creating the schedule that best suited my personal rhythm.  The sheer amount of time spent alone allowed a much more profound purification of the depths of my being. Every memory, life experience, contraction or pain seemed to surface, there was no hiding or pushing it away when left alone for that amount of time.

The meditations themselves were, of course, deeper than I ever experienced before. Without stimulation from the external world or any intellectual input, the right brain was allowed to dominate over the left brain, and the transcendence of the mind was more complete. I experienced deeper stillness and expansion than I could have ever imagined.

In terms of worldly applicability, I feel that something shifted permanently in this being, a more stable, higher perspective on reality. There were various insights that helped this personality in terms of patience and compassion for the world. I feel healed in many aspects, including psychologically and physically. The heart feels more open, with a naturally applicable desire to give love in the form of service to the world.

I can’t express in language how transformative and profound this experience was. I look forward to the next ones this coming year, and know this was only the beginning of a new phase on my spiritual journey. As someone who is prioritizing the revelation of the Self, these retreats are fundamental and indispensable. I highly recommend it to all who share an interest in the evolution of consciousness, healing the being and opening the heart through meditation.” – Tonya

I feel I am still integrating this forty nine day retreat, still trying to fins words for what happened. Never before have I gone so deep into the “nothing,” experiencing that there is nothing to achieve. Nothing special happened but this was so special! Thank you so much for giving this opportunity.” – Severin

There are no words to describe the forty nine days, though gratitude comes close. Overwhelming gratitude for this opportunity to be silent, alone and in perfect peace…in perfect availability to the Heart. This retreat has had profound effects on all aspects of my life, and I sincerely wish that many more people will have this beautiful and rare opportunity to go deeply into the Self in such a supported and harmonious way.” – Emma

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